Recently Answered Questions on LORETA-P


PDW, MPV and P-LCR higher than normal

PDW* 19.3 , Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)* 13.1, P-LCR* 51.0 these are high values in my CBC report. please suggest what to do
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Bleeding during Cyc E+P dosing

I was advised to take Cyclenorm E + P combination for 3 days whenever my periods were not on time for PCOS. It had been more than a month so I took the medicine but I experienced bleeding after taking 2 doses. What can be the cause. Should I continue taking the tablet or should I stop. Should I consult a doctor. I know it’s not normal. Is this menstrual bleeding or some other reason.
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Can meftal p cause gastric pain?

My kid has viral from 3 days and my doctor has now asked me to give 5.5ml meftal p if fever goes above 102 for my 6 year old son, weight 18.5kg. I have 2 queries, please suggest. 1. Do I need to give other medicine like rentac syrup or anything while giving this pain killer. Last dose I gave caused pain in stomach hence asking as not sure of it can cause gas/gastric issues if given alone. 2. Also sometimes fever is so high that kid can't eat anything just before taking meftal p, so can I give it with small quantity of something like 2 biscuits or something... Only for case if kid had taken food more than 4 hours back?
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Ncorm e and Ncorm p tablets

Hi, Can anyone let me know the uses of Ncorm e and Ncorm p tablet. This tablets were prescribed by gynecologist for my wife to get early periods prepone dates for 5-7 days. Next month she has to attend a religious pooja and want to prepone dates at least 4-5 days. Medical bacground says she gets periods between 26-30 days since last 6 months. But onl for last month she has 40 days of gap may b due to traveling and environment change as she travelled thrice a month. This tablet Ncorm p and Ncorm e was prescribed before she was married but now can she take this yablet to prepone. This tablets was suggested to take on 5th day of periods so to get periods within 21 days from last 5th day. Thanks in advance.
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Meftal P vomited after 1 hr of administr

Hi Doctor, My daughter who is 2 yrs old running with 103 fever. we had given contiouns sponge bath and the fever was still 103 so we have given 4 ml of Meftal p suspension. She has vomited exactly after one hour. Do i need to redose again and when can I give her paracetamol (P-250) again?
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I'm MD GUFRAN I drops my eye in Tropic p

My eye has operations in two days later. But unfortunately I drops in my eye bimistake in Tropic p eye drops. But this eye drops is injected to my eye on date of my operation. And I Drop my eye in Tropic p drops today. So I would like to request to say about it. Please tell me it is not harmful to my eye. Please tell me
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Regarding mefkind P and dolo 250 usage

My son is 3 years old from morning he is suffering with fever, morning 10.30 I given dolo 250 4ml but afternoon 2:30 temperature is 100.4 so i given mefkind P 3.5 ml My doubt is my son fever is controlled, whether I have to give dolo 250 now at 5pm. which is after 6 hours from 10:30 Kindly suggest
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Zerodol-P Tablet for menstrual cramp

I am suffering from extremely unbearable menstrual cramp for the past 2 days since my period started. My period was delayed by 3 days and Iv been having cramps even before my period started. My doctor prescribed Zerodol-P for a functional cyst I have in my R.Ovary. Asked me to consume only if I have unbearable pain in my ovary. Is it ok to take this tablet for the menstrual cramp? Will it help?
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Alex drops junior with paracetamol p 120

Can we give Alex drops junior and  paracetamol p 120 together each 5ml??? baby is 3 years with 10 kgs
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Given meftal p after 3-4 hrs again fever

Given meftal p and after 3-4 hrs again fever 101 , can we give my son Crocin 240, 3.5ml            ?
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