Recently Answered Questions on It-Mac


Osmf burning mouth, ulcers onnlips

In spite of taking medicine Mac total and kenaccsrt oral gel Lots of ULCERS on lips , round in shape and depression in the middle is noticed White patches and bands inside the cheeks developed, SOME RED. Mouth watering is going on Upper PALATE whitish.both hard and soft. OSMF III IS PRESCRIBED BY DENTIST. CHEWING PAN IS ETIOLOGY. THREE FINGERS GOING INSIDE THE MOUTH. NO TESTS DONE SO FAR. PLEASE ADVISE BEST MEDICATION Lot of mouth watering happening Vulva sunken .mouth is painful. Painful
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Chest pain, stomach discomfort back pain

I have constant chest pain in left side from 1.5 months and the pain is of different types. Sometimes its burning, sometimes its tightness and discomfort, sometimes sharp pain etc. I did ecg, echo, tmt and other blood test for cardiac issue but all reports came normal. Then i moved to lung doctor, he did x-ray and other test which also came normal. I have also stomach pain and discomfort in upper part above belly since one month. Also have back pain etc . I am sick of stomach and chest pain. Other reports also came normal like b12. Please help me with stomach, chest and back pain. Here are the list of medicines from month i took like - rabium dsr, etoricoxib, mac rd, ace proxyvon, etizola beta. But no relief. Please tell me which further step i should take. One more thing i have constipation from childhood.
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Multiple Skin Rashes

I am having skin rashes all over my arms and back, few are present on my legs and thighs as well. The rashes are getting big and rounder and getting scaly after few days. They are itching when i sweat or come out after a bath, new small rashes develop as soon as i sweat and they slowly tend to increase in size. I visited my dermatologist, he asked me if some of my family members are affected by same, but none of them are, it is only me. I am also not getting itchy during night ( i guess rulling out scabies). Currently i am taking IT Mac 200 (daily), Teczine 5mg(daily) and am using Keraglo Ad Shampoo 2 times a week, under treatment for 8days now, without any improvements. Please suggest me what should i do.
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Severe tineacurosis

Sir i am suffering from tineacurosis for more than 2 years. I have used lots of medication over the counter like fourderm cream, quard cream, itch guard, ring guard, zalim lotion, dettol etc.. but everytime it goes for a while then again it returns after 4-7days. Lastly i consulted my family doctor, he adviced me to take candid-b cream with IT-Mac 100 capsule. After taking this i feel relaxed for about 7-10 days but after than it again starts itching. I am taking this dosage for about 7 months but still not getting any relief. I have read many things about it internet. I have applied home remedies like onion, honey, garlic, neem paste etc. But no relief yet. I am a married person, and i have heard that it also increase due to sexual intercourse. Is it right?? Sir please do kindly help me out of this.. Thankingyou
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Please advise... I am going mad

Please please help me out.. I have developed vaginal amd anal itching in december 2021.. Ever since i had gone to number of gynaecologist s and dermatologist.. Was given antifungal medicines... Anti parasitic medicines.. Deworming medicines.. Etc etc Even creams like candiderma ; canesten; ;canesten plus ; daktarin.. But as long as i am using all this.. Its reducing.. After completion of course again it started.. Its not reducing. What should i do.. No abnormal discharge Itchy vagina, vulva, anal crease Itch while discharge Itch if water touches the region Itch even if i am taking citrizine tablet not subsiding No burning while urination Pain one side vulva How can i get rid of this? From past 3 months i am going mad with this itch.. Visited gynaecologist 7 times Dermatologist 8 times.. They are going on giving antifungal and antibiotics like tiniba 300mg.. It mac 200mg Alcros etc etc.. Even albendazole 400mg i have used.. What can i do now?? Help🙏🙏
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Diagnosis and normal or not?

After using doxycycline 100mg for 14days; Cefixime for 5 days, Metrogyl for 14days.. I developed intense vaginal and anal itching.. Following which was said... Developed pruritis vulvae.. Gave me candiderma cream... Now vaginal itching reduced a bit.. But i developed burning vagina and Somewhat Yellow (white yellow mix)(w.r.t nail colour of finger)creamy  thick vaginal  discharge is coming from around 1 week.. But only of amount like 1 or 2 drops per day When washing vagina with water... Feeling chilled... Also feeling of discharge but not seen on hand.. Also i am close to my menstrual date... (should be on 24th) My doctor gave me It mac 200mg... Is my yellow discharge relatable?? Or what should i do? I am worried.. How long will it take it come back to normal.. Help I am scared What is the diagnosis?? My doctor just said infection.. But didnt say any name or so
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Different results in different reports

I am having a good amount of post voidal residual urine (with constant urine dribbling in my underpants) (i can also feel that urine is hanging there but not coming out and when i stand approx a  teaspoon of it falls out) along with burning sensation after passing the urine I got urine routine and culture but getting different results In the first report both routine and culture were ok In the second report the routine was normal but in culture I got e coli The third routine showed bacteria and in culture got kiebsiella I got 500 mg amikasen injection twice a day for 5 days for kiebsiella and drank k-mac uti for e coli. After 10 days i again got the test done This time in the first report both routine and culture were normal And in the second report routine was normal but in culture got e coli. I have been to both gynecologists and urologists but haven't found a concrete solution
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Chlamydia infection

Was detected with chlamydia igm antibodies positive.. In december Ever since used number of allopathy medicines like antibiotics ;antifungals etc etc tablets ; creams like cotrimoxazole ; canesten ; Tablets like canditrel ; it mac 200... Nothing worked.. Tried homeopathy medicines also.. Its been 25days days.. Doctor said within 1 week i will find results but all in vain Still its itching while discharge is present.. When i tried to contact back the doctor she is saying again to go near gynaecologist.. Symptoms: Itching in vulva and vagina.. And anal region No abnormal bleeding or spotting ITCH WHILE DISCHARGE PRESENT Regular menstrual cycle Not married. Please help.. Is there a cure in homeopathy at all? Or again do i need to go to gynaecologist... I visited 8 times till date.. Please help.. I am worried and saturated as well. Please say me a suggestion what to use..
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Scabies not going

In december i was diagnosed with scabies.. Was given tablets; creams like permetrin etc.. Post using cream.. Developed intense vaginal and anal itching.. Before slight vaginal itch; finger pockets itching; whole body itching was present... Also foot itching... But now... My dermat has repeated the medication.. All in vain.. My vaginal itching and anal itching is not reducing.. Also i am seeing new lesions on back of palms.. Like worms.. But is in black colour.. Picture attached.. What should i do for vaginal itching?? Has used number of vaginal creams like canesteon...canesteon s cream.... Candiderma plus cream... Daktrin cream etc.. Also has taken antifungals like alcros; it mac 200mg; Also tiniba 300mg.. Still all in vain... Please help... I am just saturated with this.. Neither my scabies nor my itching of private part is reducing.. Please please help.. I have gone number of times to dermatologists and gynaecologists from past 3 months.. All in vain.. Please help
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Muscle(left,vastus lateral-

Snap frozen section of muscle is adequate And shows transvers muscle bundles. There is variation in muscle fiber size , many atrophic muscle fiber are noted. Dence endomysial and interstitial lymphocytic of infiltrate is noted. There is evidence of mypophagocytosis and necrosis of muscle fibers. Many regenerating fiber showing basophlia is seen there is no evidence of granuloma vasculitis and amyloid is seen in this biopsy examined. Immunohistorology : MHCI -- Focal increased expression in subsarcollema MHCII : Increase expression in subsarcollema MAC – Focal increase expression in small vessels C4d - Non contriburtory Combining morphogical and immunohistochemistry findings features are of inflammatory myopathy consistent with polymyositis. DIAGNOSIS Muscle (left , vastus lateral is) : consistent with Mayopathy , Inflammatory
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