Recently Answered Questions on It-Mac


End small portion of stool is red

From past few days I am observing small end portion of my stool colour is red. I am having inner thigh skin infection so doctor suggested to have IT Mac 200 capsule and use luli cream. Pls advise
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Pregnancy related

I m 12 weeks pregnant as i had past history of miscarriage with one miscarriage in 4 th month today my doctor advides for mac donald cervical stitch is it safe to have cervical stitch please reply
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Help with medication

Hi, I am suffering from gastritis and was prescribed mac rabonik dsr and sucrafil o gel syrup. I know tablet should be taken before breakfast in morning. When should i take the syrup. Before or after food. It was mentioned morning and night. Thanks
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Rashes Itch on full body

I am facing very rash itching on my full body from last two weeks. After consult to a dermatologist, I am taking two medicine IT-mac 200 and cetrazine. But after one or two days relax I am getting more rashes on body. I can't sleep whole night. Please suggest a proper treatment for me.
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Stubborn ringworm

I have ringworm since 9 months in the inner portion of thigh. It heals after applying medicine but comes again and again. And it comes again after itching also. I have used IT Mac 200 and Terbest and other fungal creams also. But it came again . What should I do now sir? And will it be clear or will last forever sir?
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For pregnancy

I have low sperm count 25 - 35 million but I can't success for pregnancy even after two IUI cycle .currently I m taking Mac Q-10 sachet and carni- q
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Skin Itching around feet and plam

I was treated for dengue and got discharged a day before. I am having Mhacef, Mac RD and Folvite tablets as prescribed to me. But my feet, palm, elbow, and knees have started itching uncontrollably from yesterday night. Please suggest if I need to stop my medicine. I am otherwise okay.
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For Permanantly green tattoo removal

I wants to remove that permanant green tattoo on my forehead it's nt at all looking Gd... actuallyyy my grand Mac did that to me when I went to their home...nw am planning to remove can u plz help to remove Mam...
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Skin allergy

I don't​ know what happened to me.. but m suffering​ from a sort of skin allergy.. after using products from MAC my skin got affected.. Please help me out.. I have already consulted with two doctors, but I am not at all satisfied.. they simply ignored my problem by referring them as pimples..
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Rectum ulcer piles.5tm blood mucus stool

Diagnosed rectum ulcer piles,now taking mar sor,carbolic ac,ignita but not any improvement, previous i take nitric ac,salfer,ipca ms,mac cor,hamamalis,.
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