Recently Answered Questions on Irregular Periods


Irregular periods

Hi, I have irregular periods and planning for a baby now. But got my pregnancy result as negative. I wanted to know if irregular periods might be a reason for this. Kindly advise on this.
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Irregular periods

Irregular periods after taking i pill then after that periods become irregular and heavy hair shedding.dermetologist gave me minoxidil and mometasone fureate and daignosed with alopecia areata.
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Irregular periods

I am a 21 year old girl. I am facing an issue of irregular periods. It's more than 2 months since I got periods last time. It's been irregular so many times. What to do to make it regular?
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Irregular periods

I am 20 years old & have irregular periods . generally it is missed by 3 month. please suggest me what should i do which precautions should i take & which exercises to perform. will i have any pregnancy problem in future with irregular periods ?
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Irregular periods

I got my periods after 44 days as I got my last period on 19 nov. My periods have been very irregular and the blood flow is also less as compared to before.
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Irregular periods

I was having regular periods since last yearbut from this February, I am having irregular periods from last 5 months. What should i do?
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Irregular periods

I have irregular periods and i wanna check my hormonal levels when should i go for hormonal test does hormonal test done only on my periods or whenever i want to test please let me know
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Irregular periods

I have irregular periods and hormonal imbalance and im married recently can i take clomid for regular periods
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Irregular periods.

I have problem of irregular periods from couple of months .this month it's late some medicine to continue periods
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Irregular periods

I am having irregular periods since 1 month... after having my periods in last month again after 10 days again my i was started bleeding for 3 days..
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