Recently Answered Questions on HALOSTROL-F


BPH. Urimax F and Dutas T

I was regularly taking Urimax F caps. Now I get Dutas T caps instead of Urimax. Can I take Dutas T without any problems? I am a CGHS beneficiary and I get medicines free.
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Wat is F trace(albumin in urine analysis

What is meant by F trace (albumin in urine analysis report) .in the report there is no values to check
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Conceva m vs conceva f

What is the difference between conceva m and conceva f? Which one is advised for pregnancy planning?
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Asking about hair oil curlz f

From past 2 years I was affected With hairloss and when I shown to a doctor they gave a "Cuelz F" hairoil. Is this really useful ?
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Scars on my face because of r/f treatmen

I have scars on face because of r/f treatment how can i treat it and make it normal skin
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Rosuvas f and reduced rbc

I have been taking rosuvas f for around 3 months, my triglycerides level reduced from 236 to 118. Also in the past 20 days my rbc, wbc and platelet also reduced. Wbc reduced from 8200 to 4200. Is this something due to the BP tablets? Note: My BP is now in the range of 105/65 to 125/80 which was 160/100 before medication. Also in a USG scan i ve been diagnosed with fatty liver and 2mm kidney stone. Another USG scan of scrotum shows epididymitis with funiculitis. My questions are, 1. Is there anything to do with BP tablets and reduced rbc, wbc? Or fatty liver? 2. Should I be worried about epididymitis with funiculitis, if so which specialist or what of treatment should I have? Please advise.
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Fever 101-102.1 degree F

He is suffering from fever for past two days, today he has taken Azithromycin but fever shoots upto 102.1 degree F at night. He is feeling more sick now. Fever didn't go beyond 101 degree F in past two days but we are worried that his condition didn't improve after taking first dosage of antibiotic. Apart from fever, he is having blocked nose, throat pain & body ache. Please suggest what to do if Azithromycin doesn't work! Normally, do Azithromycin reduce fever on day1 of treatment?
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Probably after 3mnths f lasic surgery

I gt my lasic srgery f lft eye(fr sightd)dne on Aug 17...After one month I got blepharts in dt eye on d upper eyelid. I. e on 14th Sep.It tk about one mnth to heal it after using ciprofloxacin ointment...On Oct 3 I strted using high tears eye drops ,but after one month , vision f left eye becomes blurry...Was it due to eye drops ? Now I m using fml n refresh eye drops as dre z sweling on d ls sometimes swelling f upper eyelid n heaviness in d morning...Why dre z prob aftr 3 months f lasik..?
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Momate f cream during breastfeeding

I have been diagnosed by eczema or irritated skin on my chin area n was asked to apply momate f cream for a week. Is it safe to apply while I'm on breastfeeding? My baby is 3 months n I'm 28. Kindly advice
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Spiromont f for sinusitis

Hi I have sinus sinusitis issue from long term recently consulted a doctor who prescribed me spiromont f 10 mg for 1 month, when I researched for spiromont found this medicine is generally taken for asthma, so I'm worried is it ok to have this medicine. Please suggest.
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