Recently Answered Questions on Gros


Severe abd pain

I have severe and adhesions from under rib cage aggressive disease. Iam pretty much bed bound now. This am I was woken by extremely terrible right gro pain. The pain is unbearable. On TOP of everyday severe pain I have also have intermittent pain just below left rib cage, what
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Baby Suffering from blepharophimosis

Hii My 13 months baby boy is suffering from blepharophimosis So my local pediatric ophthalmologis suggested me to go for the surgery. So I want to know what is the best age for a baby to do this surgery is it necessary to go for the surgery right now or we can wait to let him gro a little. and what will be the cost for the surgery? waiting for your
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Hair loss..

For past 2months, i had severe hair fall.. I don't know why? I have thyroid but it is in control, tsh level 1.17.. And under medication injections for pregnancy related issues.. And am using hair gro plus gel.. Biopreg tab.. For hairfall issues
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Hair does not grow

My hair does not seem to grow , anf with time , there is a bald patch which seems to be showing up right in the front center of my head. I have consulted dr.batras and they recommended gro htherapy(mesotherapy) which leads my hair to fall out. I do not know what to do to prevent this bald patch to become more visible and how to grow hair on my head.
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Bread growth treatment

Hi Doctor, im 28 years old and i do not have proper facial hair growth. I have consulted multiple dermatologists. They have suggested me 10 % minoxidil, hair gro plus gel and boitin tablets for 3 months. That did not work. Please assist..
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Alopecia areta

I am suffering from alopecia. I tried many medicines homopathic, alopathic, ayurvedic any alots of home remidies.. But no result..i want to gro my hair as son as possible ... Is there any body who have the solution. The skin is plane and not able to absorb the oil. If anybody have any solution which works fast except hair transplantation.
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Intence_itching on groins

Sir i am having itching problem in my gro in region for 3 months.i didnt took it seriously so it has spread to buttex also.plz give the name of any cream i can use.itching is followed by bad smell in that region..plzz help me out.i am feeling shy of going to any skin specialist .plz recomend any ointment
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Head popping and haIR fall

Had stress hair loss two years before three month its was started feel like tingling sensation or head popping or bubble fealing mainly in head and also other part of body question is the tingling in head also lead to hair fall bcz hair fall akso increase than bef Doctor medicine SGD me Af~150 Levosiz HaIR Gro Betasalic lotIon is it safetotak
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Hair fall and tingling

Sorry for once again asking I had stress hair loss for past two year and now three month before tingling sensation in head started like head popping or bubbled feeling it also happen other part of the body So I went to doctor They have done blood test and urine test its all came normal And they suggested medicine AF~150 Levosiz Hair gro Betasalic lotion is it  safe to take"""" And my another question is hair fall has any relation will Or can hair fall also happening due to head popping or tingling sensaton in head Please answer both the question I also expect answer from the doctor who answer ed my previous question and suggested me minoxdil 5% in online
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Infection on penis

Nfection stars after sex Dear Sir/Mam, i am suffering from some infection on the penis from last 3 months. This type of same infection i suffered in 2013. I took consultation from a MD derma. He wrote on the rxs as- PRURITUS,? TINEA ON PUBIC AREA, GLANS PENIS, OILY FACIAL SKIN, MILIARIA RUSRA-back. He has given med as- Triatop suspension (shampoo), B gro plus shampoo, Moiz cleansing lotion, Candid gel-Pubic area and glans, Onabet powder, Soapex soap. But now its not worworking.
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