Recently Answered Questions on EPIROID-T


Troponin t test report

Hello everyone. I have chest pain from 3 days. I did ECG and troponin t. In ecg doc write TWNL. Is this means normal. And i am attaching my troponin t test report. Please chech. Is this normal. Do i have any heart problem.please check my report.
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Post Cu-T insertion

I got Copper T inserted on 10th November 2018 with the help of local anaesthesia. But for last two days I can see discharge happening with light brown colour. However, a while ago, I found few blood stains in the discharge. I want to know if this is common to take place a week after Cu-T insertion or if it's a serious problem.
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Low T levels

Hello Sir, i m suffering frm low t- levels resulting in swelling nd tenderness of both nipples as well as weight loss over d last six months. My T- level is 143 ng/ dl. Very mucch scared after reading abt it on internet. Kindly advise urgently. Thank you.
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Query on copper t

Hi,I delivered on 20th of April via csec,I only breastfeed my baby ,within 3 monthsthere was spotting,I went to my gynaec he confirmed that this can be periods and on 5 th day I got copper t inserted..for those 5 days bleeding was really less..after 2 days of copper t insertion bleeding has started..and the flow is it normal to bleed like this after copper t insertion...
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Pregnancy with copper t

My wife has copper t but she is again pregnant now doctor remove the copper t after positive test and ask for ultrasound,in ultrasound baby in right place and heart beat is also there with time of 6 week 6 days so pls suggest it pregnancy will be normal or should we abort it as ultrasound doctor says it may harm our baby may done part of his body missing or not develop as my wife pregnant with copper t
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Low t micro adenoma found it

I'm havin really low energy/weight gain,irritability low sex drive etc they give me an injection of T with out results with the exception of the first days and my T levels now are back to 200ng.They found a micro adenoma in the pituitary around 5mm but they don't think that it's causing my low T levels, and the Doctor run out of treatment ideas
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Copper T while breast feeding

Hi Doctor, I delivered via C section 4 months back.Want to insert Copper T. Will my periods start for this month if I insert it now..? I'm going to my in-laws home in train after copper T insertion.Fear about getting period immediately.please clarify.
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Copper T after missed abortion

Dear Madam, My wife underwent D & C surgery today. Doctor has advised her copper t for 3 months. She has also advised not to try conceiving for 3 months. Is copper T advisable after D & C? What purpose does it serve beside avoiding pregnancy? Is it safe? Thanks
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Copper t string came off

I had inserted copper t 16 months back. Nowadays I use a menstrual cup during my periods. Today when I removed my menstrual cup, the string attached to my copper t also came off. The two strings had a knot between them! What will happen to the device inserted? Will it also come off?
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Ecg have negative T Wave

I have heart pain from last 4 days. Pain in left hand and back also. My ecg report have negative T wave .I have heart pain from last 4 days. Pain in left hand and back also. My ecg report have negative T wave .
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