Recently Answered Questions on D-PAIN


Constant Pain after D&C

After D&C (two weeks ago), I still have constant pain and it's very painful for me to sit. During the D&C, my doctor couldn't get all of the mass on the back of the uterine (only got half), could this be the problem?
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Muscular pain after low D

Does fixing low vit d. fixes all problems ??? like knee pain calf pain nerve tingles ? can it be caused by them all test okaya ? how much more time it takes, is their any test for calcium to ensure I am not low in it apart from vit. d !
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Pain in d abdomen

My father has been suffering from acute pain in d abdomen sinc d past few days. His haemoglobin is also low and we have consulted a general physician ... Littl bit of relief is there but as soon as he eats smthng, the pain again starts.
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Pain in sex after  d&e

Pain in sex after 25 days of d&e due to missed misscarriage at 12 week. I have done sex thrice but no pain back then.
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Pain in d loin muscles

Pain in d loin muscles after Surgery for CELLULITIS in May. Unable to sit comfortable, Pain comes n goes
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Vitamin D calf pain

What should be the max. daily IU intake for vitamin d please suggest any regular supplement for it, had vit d less than 3 but now 42 but what it to maintain good as i have muscular pain in calf n back with slight knee pain, please tell value to IU and good daily supplement for it
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Body pain after d and c

Hi, after d and c, I have so much body ache. It's almost 17 days passed, but the body pain is severe. Is it normal?
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Vitamin d pain

She has pain in joints. Specially wrist and back. In recent test vitamin D is 16 and calcium is 9. Please suggest some medicine.Her hemoglobin is 13.
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Pelvic pain after D&C

I had my D&C on 27th June but still I have pain and feeling uncomfortable in pelvic area and Heaviness sometimes. I am on antibiotic course. What is the reason of the above and is that normal?
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Pain in d rt side of neck

There is continuous pain in d ryt side of my neck starting from the chest bone joint just near the throat to the ryt side of my neck n shoulders..please suggest which doctor i should visit because i went to visit general physician but d medicine he gave me is not working at all..!!
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