Recently Answered Questions on Class


My 3.5 year old is hitting and biting

My 3.5 year old hits and scratches his teachers, workers , parents....also he is always moving in the class and does not sit still.
79 Views hidden

Am depressed

Am hallucinating and procasting.. :( also am not able to attend classes today, and am really pissed off, that i had to undergo counselling online
39 Views hidden

My 4 year old daughter lacks social skil

My 4 year old daughter does not follow instructions given by her teachers, pees in the class, does not respond well to anyone calling her name.
35 Views hidden

My voice is very thin..

Plz let me know any solution how i can get cured. I feel very shame to speak in the class or interview.. every one makes fun.. its very odd wen i speak i dont like it so plz someone help me out..
185 Views hidden

Pain in the right ear

7 year old has pain in right ear since 3 days...she recently joined swimming classes... May be due to water..pls suggest
49 Views hidden

Depression, stress, mentally disturbed

I am suffering from depression and stress. Need help of a Psychiatrist doctor. I don't know what to do or choose in class 11th. Confused from advise of peoples.
166 Views hidden

Need a case of DID

I am a student of class 12th. I want to do a case study on Dissociative Identity Disorder. I need a case for the same. Kindly help me
128 Views hidden

Jjjj j j jj j j jj jj jj j j j jjj

Jjjjjjbbbjjbbjbjjbjjbbjjbjbbjbjjbjjb <div class="o-grid"> <div class="o-grid__col o-grid__col--4-of-12" > <h4 class="f2 f500 colprim"> A propos de quelques maladies </h4> </div> <div class="o-grid__col o-grid__col--8-of-12 borderline" style="margin-top: 15px"> </div> </div>
1833 Views hidden

Does masturbation effects

Sir I had regular masturbation since I was 9th class now I will married next year I felt week does it effect my sex power
195 Views hidden

I cant remember anything...

When I reading the book or listening the class I can't concentrate and I can't remember anything....
102 Views hidden