Recently Answered Questions on CRIZ-M


How to know if I m impotent or not?

I hv not masturbated ever in life.But i get erection every morning aft sleep.I m suffering from PE.Consulted Urologist.he prescribed duralast pills.When i take pills i enjoy long sex with my wife.Can i still can become father  at 35 age ?What should b done to get my wife pregnant?
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Hello. M three month pregnant

Hi. M an orthodontist working in dental clg. My deptt is on fourth floor n there is no lift. After climbing stairs n in deptt i feel so mch tired n back pain. Shld I take leave? Plz give ur suggestions that will be ur mst kindness
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I m pregnant

I m not getting my period as per monthly schedule ,i have doubt d8 im pregnant as i hv checked thorough prega news ,which shows two red line is dark nd second one z very light colour .i need suggestion nd guidence from gynaecologist
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I guess m suffering from depression

I dont know how to start but m feeling very low. Feels like crying. Heartbroken. Dont have anybody to share myself. Always feeling anxiety and my mind is always full of negative thoughts. All the time i feel either so sleepy or couldn't sleep. I dont feel like doing anywrk. Dont feel like talking to anybdy. Please suggest something.
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M I pregnant

Hi.... I Had and unprotected sex my bf in the month of January but after that I got my period on time the next month Feb my periods were missed in the March month still I haven't got my period....m I pregnant...i ate papaya in the month of March so just a few drops of brown blood realise from my vagina for 2-3 days but no period as normal...kindly help
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I m suffering from cold

I have been having blocking nose from day before yesterday.Then suddenly yesterday I got fever.My throat too started itching .I took Dolo tablet for fever and now I m feeling relieved.But blocking nose and itching throat continues.
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I m not having periods for almost 3 mnth

I m not having periods for almost 3 mnths than wht is the reason and is there any serious problem???
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I m not able to release my sperm in sex

I m not able to release my sperm during intercourse.. Please give me solution for this..
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My typhoid is for now 29 day.. I m takin

My typhoid is for now 29 day.. I m taking madication.. but its not coming down..
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M i pregnant doctor?!

I hd sex on 29th Nov.. thn i take unwanted 72... I hv my Periods on 7th December... 5days earlier than last month... Bt now my periods are coming to late after exact onw and half months... Nd in periods color of the blood is brownish... I hv done pregnancy tests by prega news 2 times in the early morning the first urine bt it shows negative. Plzz suggest me... M i pregnant doctor?! Nd i don't want child at now... How to avoid it if m pregnant...
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