Recently Answered Questions on C-Baz


Fructose with vitamin c

Hello Can we eat vitamin c food with fruits because fruits contain fructose and by this vitamin c is less may I intake vitamin c with fruits or not?
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Just wanted to know about lim c

Can we eat lim c tablets on empty stomach.. Can we lim c one tablet every day .. Is this safe to consume the lim c daily ...please help me
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Brown Spotting after D&C

I had my D&C 15 days back due to missed miscarriage. I did not have bleeding after that but have very less brown spotting since D&C. Do not have cramps. Is it normal? How many days spotting can be after D&C?
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Vitamin c usages.

Hello, I have been using mama Earth vitamin C serum for one month on my face. Could you please suggest how long we can use vitamin C serum. Also are there any side effects of using vitamin C serum on the face. Thanks!
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Vitamin c capsules

Please suggest a vitamin c capsules.. Suggest a vitamin c capsule for daily consumption.. My skin is darker.. I want to try vitamin c tablets.
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C section safe or not

How many c sections one can have/ considered safe as I had c section last year. How much minimal gap is required between two c sections?
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Name of vitamin c tablet

Need NAME of vitamin c tablet for diabetic dad.I basically need name of vitamin c tablet.i want to know name and brand of vitamin C tablet
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Regarding d&c

I had my dnc on 13/7/2022 for rpoc.Now I am taking antibiotics.Last 2 days I am not having discharge.From today morning i am having lite pink colour discharge during urination only.It is normal .how many days it is bleeding after d&c is normal
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Hepatitis C

I haven takrn sofosbuvir+ledipavir tablets (my hep lvir) for three months..and after taking my HCV RNA quantitative viral load is undetectable but hcv qualitative is 16... Does that means I am hepatitis c free?...please answer
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Betnovate c

I am16 using betnovate c for 3 years as I stop using it shw side effects such as ithing redness wht to do will yoga help me to get rid of this plz tell me can I get my normal skin back or not and hw much time it will take to get normal or any others remedies I shld doctor suggested me not to use betnovt NW and wait for the rslt
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