Recently Answered Questions on Arip



Hi, I was taking zosert, arip  for 1 year. Improvement was there. Suddenly I stopped the medicine without consulting the doctor as i shifted to another city. Now my mental health is worse. Should I start taking zosert again. Medicine started from jan 2017 till feb 2018.
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Best treatment for hallucination

My wife is taking one Espazine Plus once in a day. Hallucinations are not controlled. Earlier she used to shout but since she is taking Espazien Plus this thing is controlled. I think Espazine Plus lower blood pressure suddenly on standing. what to do. Earlier she was on Arip 10 and Quitapine . 200 but that has been stopped because of Sugar.
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Anti depressent

Iv been on ventab dxt 25 mg since 4 months now a diffrent doctor prescribed rejunex . Arip mt 10. Nexito 10 . Can i have them together. Iv been on ventab 100 mg fr a year then ventab 50 mg for 6.months and now venatb 25 mg.
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Gyneac and Psychological

I have been suffering from bipolar disorder since 15 years. I am taking arip MT 10 mg and folic acid cap. My doctor said i can also take zapiz 0.25 if needed.My last episode was 1.5 years ago. I am trying to concieve since last 3 months but without any success. I wanted to know whether its safe to get pregnant with this med and how to get pregnant fast?
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Willpower solution

My psychiatrist is saying that do intense excerise which will lead to will power and can eradicate psychosomatic pain in my head .Is it true. I am on Fluvoxamine 100(2-0-2) and arip Mt 5 (1-0-1)
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Ocd and self stimulate behavior

Self stimulation behavior (repetitive movements purposeful meaningless in head) leading to perceptual obsession and perceptual disturbances. I am currently on Fluvoxamine 100(2-0-2) and arip 5(1-0-0) .Please help 60% is solved but 40% remaining
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Unable to interpret and understand

I am an ocd patient since 4 years .I am unable to understand and interpret things.Is it something serious. I am on Fluvator 100(1-1-1) Selzic od 300(1-1-1) Arip mt 5 (1-0-0)
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Delusion of something stuck

I have delusion. I feel that something is stuck in my back of head.It feels real.For eg: shapes ,mental images. It feels realistic. My mind is having real experience of that things in my mind.Its like it has occupied some space in my mind. Currently on following medication Uvox 100 And Arip mt 2
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Something stuck behind my head

U shaped delusion or obsessional thought is stuck in back of my head.Its like Something U shaped is real sensation on back of head .what is this called and how to solve it.Its paining Medicine- flunil 20,arip mt 2
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Muscle tone in head

I am unable to feel muscle tone in head. I have intentionally created mental images due to that i am unable to feel muscle tone.I am ocd patient with uvox and arip mt medication.what is this call and how to restore muscle tone in head
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