Chest & Breathing Problems


Lungs problem

What causes d dimer range 4000 And CT scan 20 How many days needs to stay out of danger . . . ... .
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Cough and difficulty in swallow

My father is having cough since 5 days. We have done covid test and results yet to come. He is coughing even he is taking medication for cough and antibiotics. Now since 3 days he is not eating proper and says he can't swallow and if he swallows, more cough comes out even with drinking water. Please suggest how to control this and he is very scared to go hospital in this covid time. Please suggest
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Reoccurrent fever

I was covid positive 18-04-2021, I isolated, but my wife has now symptoms She has reoccurrent fever , loss of taste and smell and feeling very energy less. My question is fever is still around 100.6 and she is feeling very down, oxygen on oxymeter is down from 98 to 95. Has dry cough also. Please advise
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Oxygen level in covid while sleeping

My mother is 49 years old...she has thyroid problem and now she is Corona positive , her HR CT report is normal and she only has weakness and little dry cough but her oxygen level is always between 93-98 in day but while sleeping her spo2 always fluctuate rapidly when her spo2 goes down between 80-85 we woke her up..and again her spo2 comes normal between 93-98 Please is due to covid..? Is it dangerous..? And if yes then what can we do at that time..? Please suggest !!
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Is there any chance of recovery?

Hospital has said that there is no chance of recovery as 90% of the lungs are damaged. Can anyone tell is there any chance of recovery? Can it be cured via treatment and medication?
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Vaccine related information

I am allergic to dust and smoke, I feel like sneezing and later develop into cold. Should I get vaccine shot?
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Chest xray

My Father in laws having cold and Fever since from last week. Now My family doctor asked us to do xray of chest. Done with the report. Now I attached the report. Can u please Explain me in the details about the report.
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Covid-19 positive

Recently became covid-19 positive, O2 saturation is 95+ and lung infection is 6/25. He is taking fabiflu tablets, Should he take Remdesivir drug?
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Breathing issue

I m 38 year male wt: 89 ht: 5.11 I m having breathing issue ( need to take deep breath) from 2.5 month. Initially it started after physical activity like walking n it would settle down in 3-4 hrs, then it started taking 2-3 days to settle...n now with complete bed rest too I have this issue.have done ECG, eco- cardiogram . Chest xray ..all reports are normal. Pulmonologist prescribed forocort n odimont ..but it's not much helpful..there is no mental stress...can any one please help
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Chest ct severity score during covid

My father 55yo got chest ct severity score of 7 is this covid and is there anything to worry. His fever is not coming down since 8 days
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