Recently Answered Questions on ZENFLOX


Stomach bloating and Anxiety

After I take meals my stomach will bloat and lot of gas forms inside my stomach. Unless that gas come out of stomach I feel extreme bloating and anxiety. After eating I will lay on my back keeping upper body portion in elevated posture and within 10 - 20 minute all gas will come as burping nearly 6 - 15 times . After this I feel comfort in stomach. I also have stick stools . If I take Zenflox -oz as suggested by Doctor I feel everything normal. But once I stop medicine after a week the same problem repeats. This is been continuing from last 2 years. I have taken nearly 6 -10 dosages with 3 day course at different intervals of 2 years. If I take 1 tablet of zenflox-oz once or twice a week I feel better. Dear Doctor is taking antibiotics for long time is dangerous ?? Is the continuous daily intake for 1 to 14 days is considered dangerous OR Even taking Zenfloax-oz 1 tablet once or twice a week is also dangerous please Reply......
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From 5,6 days pain while urinating

From some days pain and irritation after urinating..not able to empty bladder all at once... Pre void 260 cc void 130 tested (20-25) pus cells in urine test. No stones in kidney. Taking zenflox 400 from 4 days...twice in a day If i miss dose ..urination again becomes hard and irritating Please suggest is it alarming or just UTI Should i continue course of medication. And if yes for how much time.
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Loose stools tablets any

Dear sir My sister age 26 since 2 days she having loose stools and numbness and little stomach pain.. We went hospital today and taken IV FLUID 2 botels and taken sporlac tablets 2 today since morning.. And ofloxacin zenflox tablet 2 yesterday but motions never stopped . Pls advice any other tablet or syrup to stop motions No fever or vomiting symptoms
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Heat boils in intimate area

I have been getting heat boils in the intimate area especially around anus. I visited general physician and was prescribed zenflox and augmentin for 5 days. After 3 days the boils and it's pain went away. But after 2 weeks it's again occurring. Can you suggest any medicine or ointment? I am using ice pack to reduce pain. Today being Sunday I am not getting any doctor to visit. And which speciality doctor should I visit? Thank you
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Stomach ache

I am suffering a pain occurring time to time on right lower abdomen side. Sometimes it disappears sometime occur. Is it spasmodic, gastritis or other. My stool firstly come hard followed by watery.i have taken two tab of zenflox oz .but it persist. When I go outside from cold climate to hot it relieve.and when I walk or bent my body it occur. Please respected Dr. sir suggest what to do . Thanks
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Red dots in chest

My Daughter felt little cold since Monday we gave home remedies on Tuesday and Paracetamol on Tuesday afternoon and she felt good but again on Wednesday she didn't felt well so We consulted and informed that its Food Poision. Doctor gave Zenflox, biocodex sachet. Yesterday she was somewhat ok.. I but today she is very lazy and not active. I see few red dots in chest and few at hand. Body feels hot and no symptom of fever.
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Frequent urination, back ache (no stone)

Hi Doctor, since 5 days I'm suffering from Urinary infection. Doc in the nearest hospital asked me to undergo urine culture and routine test. Routine test turned out to be normal. culture test report is awaitd. Meanwhile I also got the USG done which suggestd cystitis and ovarian cyst in right side.I'm yet to see the doc with reports tomorrow. I'm sufferin from nocturia prob. I feel my bladder is full even after urinating. Frequent urination is annoying me. Right now on zenflox 200. Any suggns?
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Typhoid treatment doubt

I have been diagnosed with salmonella typhi 'o' (1:160), typhi 'h'(1:80), paratyphi 'ah'(1:20), paratyphi 'bh'(1:20 positive) (unit in dilutions) I want to confirm regarding its treatment. My doctor has prescribed oral medication as zenflox plus (ofloxacin and cefixime), hifenax p and rabekind-dsr. Is this suppose to be ok?
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Stomach cramps, pain after eating food.

H/O 2 episodes of acute diahorrea, extreme body ache, fever and chills in May in a gap of 2 weeks. Medicine prescribed was Zenflox -Oz. Past 1 week diahorrea is present but not as bad as in May.However pain after eating food persists and while passing stool.Nausea and lightheadedness and a general feeling of sickness,fatigue.Skin rashes accompanied
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Stomach pain from morning,

Doctor in st Joseph hospital give injection detail are below Pantodac 40 inj, ondem inj, buscogast inj After that there is no relief then further the give injection and medcine below Contramal inj, water 10 ml inj, and medicine zenflox oz tab, meftalspas tab, pantop dsr cap, lactogut cap . Still there is no relife what should i do???
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