Recently Answered Questions on XTEND


Mild telegon

Doctor suggested to use xtend tablet. I'm using xtend hair tablet for a week. And my hairfall has stopped. In a day if I wash my hair I could see 5-10 hair fall. Do I need to use regularly or can I stop the tablets.
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Mild telegon

I got mild telegon. Doctor suggested to take xtend hair tablet. I followed one week. How many weeks should I continue? And hair my stop falling but after having oil bath my hair shreds around 10-15.
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Guidance about bodybuilding supplements

Sir i am 6 feet and my weight is 110kg. I started running in morning and weight training in evening. I am not taking whey. Can i take bcaa regulary because it saves me from being fatigue. And my protien intake is 80 gms with 1500 kcal. And protien comes from lentils curd and nut. Do i need bcaa supplement and does it has any side effects and does i can take it long as upto one year and sir i pretty focused on my diet. I just want to consume bcaa for just for taste and to be saved from fatigue. I started lifting before 3 days only from now. Please guide me . The bcaa i am intrested is scivation xtend.
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