Recently Answered Questions on VEGAS


After Using Vega 100 tablet twice,

After Using Vega 100 tablet twice, I noticed that my genitialia dose'nt respond naturaly anymore except when I use the tablet. I want to stop Using the tablet and perform Naturaly. What will I do?
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I have cellulitis, I have had it before. I have been on antibiotic for 3 days. It is less hot and less red. I am wondering if I could travel to vegas on Wednesday
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Got itchy by cutting yam

My got itchy after cutting yam Vegas, yesterday, it feels itchy and burning sensation, I don't know what I do. I used ice pack, still there is itchy. Help me to get from this pain
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Inflammation of colon

I have a colonoscopy a week before and it was diagnosed that there is superficial erosion of anus and mild inflammation of left colon. The doctor also said that it could be early sign of ulcerative colitis. I am taking Vegas OD, inbalanse tablet and torfix 400. I have been asked to take Vegas OD for 1 months. I have been advised to avoid dairy products The problem is getting better but I only feel discomfort in anal region mildly or moderately. how much time it will take to heal completely.
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Adder all Reaction

Hello! I have been taking d-amphetamine 20 mg for about 4 months now. Recently I have experiencing a tight, and sore throat and running nose. I was wondering if this was an allergic reaction to the medicine or just allergy season (since i live in vegas).
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Sometime sharp pain in epididymis or veg

Sir, did sex for the first time last year and developed gonorrhea i was not aware off stds then after a while it spread to my bladder,in short after 40 days. I discussed my sypmtoms to one of my friend (medicle student) he told me about a urologist ,got better after a 3 months or more but my pain in prostate came and go for a 5 months then again i went to show this things to urologist, now m completely fine from 5 months and now i fell a sarp pain sometimes in my epididymisis or in vegas(right )
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Hello, i was suffering from hypothyroidism since 2015. TSH was fluctuating a lot since then. Now, i am on medication thyronorm 75mg, with that my TSH is brought under controlled in normal range. My weight is 70kg. I taking fruits700gm from morning waking time till 12p.m, as lunch i take 350gm fresh Vegas and then cooked food 150gm, in dinner same as the lunch. bp is normal. Let me know please what should be the modification next? My recent tsh is 5 after skipping the dose for 3days.
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Dizziness and Rapid Heart beat

I'm suffering from cervical spondylitis from 2 years. Have taken numerous physiotherapy, chiropractic sessions. Spinal decompression helped me a lot for an year. But recently I'm suffering my dizziness and rapid heart beat suddenly and head ache. I have taken my neck X ray and my cervical curve is in S shaped. I have read in one of Heath journal Cervical problems some times lead to rapid heart beat due to compression of Vegas nerves at C1 and C2. I have consulted cardiologist to check my heart condition, doctor said everything is fine. But I just wanted to make sure is it becoz of the cervical issue my heart rate increases with dizziness and goes away after sometime. How to diagnose it properly. And can the S curve be reversed to normal curve.
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