Recently Answered Questions on TRIXIM-CV


In ecg report it is written abnormal

I am not having any seeing this tell me I am having CV or not.I am using zincovit daily from 2 there any effect.Please tell my heart health
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FOR EAR DISCHARGE BELOW MEDICINE OK OR NOT OK TOCHPOD CV 325 (cefpodoxime proxetil and potassium clavulanate) ELARGIC L (Montelukast & Levocetirizine)
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Fever, headache and sour mouth

Since last 2 nights having this problem mainly in evening. Sometimes throat itching and dizziness. Looking to take Taxim O cv 200, dolo 650 and citrixine
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Pimples in hair

It becomes dry after two three days. If I take any antibiotic like azithromicin for throat or Amoxycilin CV 625 for any cut etc it goes away. Please suggest any medicine. It is the problem my mom also faced.
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Constant cold for kid 4 yrs

Hi sir my child suffering with cold and cough since 2 months. Used antibiotic taxim and moxikind cv but no use. Now getting fever also at temperature nearly 102 to 103
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Cerebriform Nevus

I am suffering from this on my scalp and have been treated many times and it keeps coming back. Been with CV since last 20years and no results of getting rid of it. Laser and electro things have been done many times. Need a permanent solution.
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Orange (or brown) urine

Is taking rantac - d, cefolac cv 200 or maybe supradyn capsules causing change in colour of my urine?
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Chymoral forte will reduce swelling?

My mother aged 68 yrs has lymphnode swelling on left side of neck and she has been taking antibiotics zifi cv 200 and painkiller zerodol sp both twice daily after food for 8-9 days. Now pain is not there but lymphnode swelling has not reduced so taking chymoral forte along with antibiotic zidi cv 200 will reduce lymphnode size? if yes kindly mention the dosage. Thanks a lot for all your valuable suggestions.
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Query medical

Hello my left wisdom tooth has been decayed with has advised me to remove the Tooth. Does decayed tooth causes throat infection or swollen tonsils. As advised by doctor zifi cv 200 has been prescribed for 3 days 2 times after food. But still some swelling and discomfort is there. Does zifi cv 200 us for throat infections.please Suggest any medicine or treatment for the same Kindly reply asap??
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Coughing, weakness,typhoid

The blood report shows s.typhi antigen o 1:160 and s.typhi antigen h as 1:160. The doctor has prescribed opox-cv 200. This is my mum's report and medicines prescribed. She has become very weak. Should we admit her in the hospital or wait for the opox-cv to work. This medicine is to be taken for 15 days. Let me know if I should change the medicine.
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