Recently Answered Questions on TINAPEX-M


I m suffering from cold

I have been having blocking nose from day before yesterday.Then suddenly yesterday I got fever.My throat too started itching .I took Dolo tablet for fever and now I m feeling relieved.But blocking nose and itching throat continues.
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I m having infection on penis

It's very painful while I m going for urine plz advice me what to do.. I m having problem give me some medicine
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M i pregnant doctor?!

I hd sex on 29th Nov.. thn i take unwanted 72... I hv my Periods on 7th December... 5days earlier than last month... Bt now my periods are coming to late after exact onw and half months... Nd in periods color of the blood is brownish... I hv done pregnancy tests by prega news 2 times in the early morning the first urine bt it shows negative. Plzz suggest me... M i pregnant doctor?! Nd i don't want child at now... How to avoid it if m pregnant...
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I m suffering from depression

Sir I m suffering from depression..i was on 225 mg of vanafax..but I drink alcohol in between n not recover I have changed my doc first he prescribed me vanafax150 mg twice a day,dicorate 750 mg twice but I again drink alcohol n my depression worsened then he prescribed me 600 mg of vanafax 100 mg zosert n dicorate..n perform some test cms vital sign report n Rorschach test..i m in confusion now day is he treating me right..
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I m having a constipation problem

Actually I m suffering from constipation since 2 years n I have tried homeopathy n ayurvedic but did not get the result so I have to tek medicine on regular basis n most of the time my stomach get bloated n I take proper diet n do proper workout but still it doesn't give any relief n cus of this I got lot of acne on my face n other skin issue. Pls help me to get rid of it
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To know that i m not pregnant

I have a 28 day menses cycle..on 11 April i got intimate with my partner ..there was no peneteration ..but he had masturbated before..i was afraid so i take unwanted 72 on next day.. on 23 April i started bleeding around my period was thick on first but light on other two days....on 5 May ie 24 days after being intimate i take beta hcg test and it was <2.00miU/ml...and now on 20 May i got my period but it is little light than my normal period ..can i consider myself as i m not pregnant
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M i pragnant?

I and my husband had sex on 2nd last day of my period ie 18 jan .he used condom but due to fear i took unwanted 72 within 24 hrs nd after that i had white discharge but no early bleeding nd today is 23 feb i didnt get my period but only white discharge . i did home pragnancy test twice but it came negative but i didnot get my period . m i pragnant as my period date is 14th?
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M I pregnant?

I had my periods on 8Oct lasts for 5days then I had unprotected sex on 20Oct n took ipill under 8hrs then on 27oct I got periods last for 4-5days then I got my periods with light bleeding on 5Dec last for 4days then I started taking ginnete35 n got periods on 6th with normal flow .now m spotting.took blood test, ultrasound ,hpt all were negative
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I m tens about pregnency

I m tens about pregnency ...if periods comes is it clear that  I m not pregnent ???plz say me m vry scares
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I m always feel seek I didn't feel energ

I m always feel seek I Dnt feel energetic . In every month I m suffering from illness and many more thing I m very insecure with my health.
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