Recently Answered Questions on Sofosbuvir


Hepatitis c

Sir my brother is diagnosed with hepatitis c we recently done viral load test when to md doctor he prescribed daclatasvir and sofosbuvir tablet for clarification of medicine. To use this or any other i m asking question
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Hepatitis C

I haven takrn sofosbuvir+ledipavir tablets (my hep lvir) for three months..and after taking my HCV RNA quantitative viral load is undetectable but hcv qualitative is 16... Does that means I am hepatitis c free?...please answer
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Treatment for. Hepatitis

I am. Diagnosed with hep c. 10 months ago and I was prescribed sofosbuvir and declaresvir and dint find any use after using it. For 8 months and hence went to global hospitals and I was told that if it. Doesn't cure. In 3.months and it will. Not. Be cured and should wait. For. New. Medicine to come... Can we. Have treatment in homeopathy
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Hepatitis_c  viral load

I  was diagnosed with hepatitis C three months ago....I am taking Myhep lvir for the past two months and going to complete 3 months on June.My viral load countbefore I take Myhep lvir(Sofosbuvir and ledipasvir 90mg+400mg) was 1500000 How should I know that I am hepatitis-free or not after I complete three months of medication (myhep lvir). Do I need to conduct viral load test again?
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HCV can be a negative

Good noon sir ...I want to know that I m persuing nursing course and I checked my viral mark that I m hepatitis C positive than I m taking treatment from ILBS hospital Delhi so I want to know if I will be positive than can I do job as nurse in hospital? Now I have done completed course of treatment and the antiviral drug is ' sofosbuvir 400+velpatasvir 100mg for 12 weeks and I retest my HCV RNA virus QUANTATIVES after 3.5month after leaving drugs is ... TARGET NOT DETECTED.
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Hep C diagnosed on September

Hep C diagnosed on Sept. On diagnosis (Alt - 392 ast 208 ggt - 285 bili- 1.6) CT chest normal CT brain normal CT abdomen - spleen 11.5cm liver- 12cm.mildly enlarged periportal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes(1.2cm) -non specific/non inflammatory Endoscopy-no varices viral load- 4 million Fibroscan - 9.9kpa Usg- grade 1 fatty changes. Cryoglobulin- no abnormal bands Cbc normal CRP - normal ESR - 8 After 3 months of treatment Genotype 3 (Sofosbuvir and velpatasvir) Alt - 71 ast - 36 bil - 1.1 ggt - 57 viral load -" not detected" < 15 IU/ml Symtoms of weakness indigestion and fullness still present. Weakness in walking and getting fatigued easily. So cbc was done. All normal ( week 8 and week 12 lft enzymes at same level) no increase or decrease. What further things can be done now? Globulin had increased to 4.6 from 3.7 albumin - 4.1. Serum protein electrophoresis( gamma globulin at 2.1) Please advice
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Suspected lymphoma

I am a 22 year old male.I have had fever in the beginning which wasn't going away and then general weakness and flushing.My gp did some tests and he said I have hep c virus.So he started sofosbuvir and velpatasvir for 12 weeks.I  am almost at the end of my treatment but the problem of weakness,fatigue and hyperviscosity of blood came also as a shock and new symptom.The CT scan with contrast shows multiple enlarged bilateral axillary lymph nodes and multiple mildly enlarged periportal(12mm largest in short axis)and aortocaval(largest 9mm in short axis) and the spleen is mildly enlarged in size (11.5cm) and also few subcentimetric mesentric and para aortic lymph nodes seen.I have had black spot in my leg which isn't going away after 1year.Even if i sleep 12hours a day I cannot walk properly.All other blood reports are normal.CT of brain and chest is normal as well.Is it lymphoma or melanoma or what can be done to confirm it ?what is the next step I should take ?
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