Recently Answered Questions on Sertraline


Sertraline 25 mg in 14 week pregnancy

Hi doc, I am 32 years, 14 week pregnant with my first baby. I am having mild anxiety symptoms since 1 year. But in pregnancy I felt more anxious. So showed to Neurologist Doc, he  prescribed me Sertraline 25 mg daily in night. Can I continue this medication? Is it safe for my baby? will it effect my baby in any way? Attaching prescription
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Am Suffering with Depression Anxiety Symptoms...As per My symptoms Doctor Prescribed Daxid 50mg, Zapiz 0.5 mg,Pravonol SR 40 mg...For 20 days...Is these r good medicines for Mental health..?And How many days to use this Medicine to show Effect?plss let me know
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Restarting Sertraline

Hi, Hi took daxid 50mg for 1.5 years and my mental health became great. But after 3 months I had episodes or panic attacks again. So I started Daxid again. Been 1 month but it is not helping. Appreciate some suggestions.
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Sertraline (zoloft) Question

I am a 24 year that has taken generic zoloft for 3 years. I recently tried to taper off of it and felt fine for a month completely without it. Depression and anxiety came back and I had to restart the medication. Is it possible to eventually come off of the medication without relapse? The medicine doesn’t permently affect my brain chemistry where I am dependent?
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Can we use sertraline and nexpro hp kit

My mother is on medication like Daxid 100 and betacap tr 40since few months... Recently she is diagnosed with EROSIVE GASTRODUODENITIS to R/O H PYLORI infection...For that gastroenterologist prescribed Nexpro ht kit and few more tablets...Is that safe to use the both previous medication and present medication or there will be any drug interactions??
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Sertraline vs Paroxitine

For Social Anxiety Disorder, which SSRI is the best and what is the dosage? Symptoms are feeling nervous and getting laugh at inappropriate times.
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Medication advice

Can I take Saxenda with Sertraline or is there issues with these two medications?
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Medicine information

Is Sertraline is a good medicine for anxiety and depression? Sertraline or paroxitine which is better?
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General querry

I am on sertraline 50mg for 6 months... I take the sertraline at morning every day.. Can i take alcohol in night occasionally...i am very confused please help
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Ocd and psychosis

Sir i am on sertraline 100 mg, amisulpride 50 mg and risperidone 2 mg. Doctor prescribed me sertraline+amisulpride. Another doctor prescribed me sertraline +risperidone. Which composition is better sertraline+amisulpride or sertraline+risperidone or all together.
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