Recently Answered Questions on SUMO


Typhoid with fever 98.8

I have Typhoid every year and I have always low grade fever 98.9 I have bodyace felling not well as doctor prescribed me swich o , razo l and sumo
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Cold and fever with body pain

I suddenly became unwell yesterday morning and got a fever with bad body pain and I felt like I would faint. I was also shivering. I have had a sumo med yesterday so the fever is lesser.
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Headache ,knee joint pain ,leg muscle

Headache ,knee joint pain ,leg muscle pain from 4 to 5 days. After taking sumo painkiller it stops for some time but again starts.
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Cold and cough

Suffering from heavy cough and cold, given Ascoril as suggested by the doctor, but still persists. Can Sumo cold be given for cold along with Ascoril? Or something else for curing both?
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High fever not subsiding

I have taken pcm 500 mg in the morning and pcm 650 mg afternoon. But fever is not relieved. Consulted physician again advised to take sumo L(pcm 650 mg) but fever is not relieved. Fever is 101 f after taking medicine. What to do ? Can I take sumo ( nimesulide and pcm combination). Fever is not subsiding inspite of taking medication. Previous history is normal. I have complaints of fever since today. Help will be appreciated.
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Leg pain, body ache, body become feveris

My wife, 64 yrs, got leg, body ache after tour to Goa' sea. As her body temperature reach to 99℃, she gets uneasiness, leg pain etc. As, Calpol, Combiflam did not reduce pain, she is taking Sumo. After Sumo, body relaxes, but within about 20 hrs, uneasiness, leg pain, body ache, body become feverish by touch. Please suggest action.
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Leg pain clubbed with fever

My wife, 64 yrs, got feverish after tour to Goa' sea. As her body temperature reach to 98℃, she gets uneasiness, leg pain etc. As, Calpol, Combiflam did not lower the fever, she is taking Sumo. After Sumo, body relaxes, temperature comes down hoti 96.5 but within about 20 hrs, temperature starts increasing along with original symptoms. Please suggest action.
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Running nose, slight feverish

Running nose for past 4 days Took one cold act on the 2nd day Temperature on the 3rd day 99.1 Took one sumo, feverish subsided Running nose reduced by 50%. 4th day temperature again showed 99.2 Took sumo.. feverish subsided 5th day temperature again showed as 99.2 5th day.. cough with slight phlegm Pvt. Doctors on strike from yesterday in Bangalore. Hence online help needed.
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Hi Sir, my appointment for wisdom tooth removal is scheduled for Friday night. and my dentist said to have antibiotics from tomorrow morning. problem is that I am feeling feverish from yesterday and took sumo cold and lcz montelukast when sumo cold was not available. these days the issue of dengue chikungunya is surmounting .. fo you suggest taking antibiotics???
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Are these medicines safe

I am a breast feeding baby is 2months old.I have stuffy nose sore throat from last 4days .can I take sumo cold and novaclav.625 medicines.are they safe for my baby
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