Recently Answered Questions on ROLE


Periods and Intercourse

Is intercourse plays a major role in getting proper periods? Can we be healthy without having a sexual relationship?? Can we have sex after menopause?
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Recurrent uti

Need writeup link for cause of recurrent uti and chronic prostate...what role frequent masturbation or ibs has in above?
58 Views hidden

Unable to ejaculate during intercourse

I am married and we're trying to conceive unfortunately I am unable to ejaculate when having sex but I am able to ejaculate when masterbating. Please advise what could be the problem and how to overcome this?Does watching adult content play a role?
496 Views hidden

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

What is the role of this hormone FSH. I just tested myself and testosterone levels is good and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels are within range but FSH levels are low.
299 Views hidden

Semen odour

Does the no of times u masturbate and diet plays a role in the change of smell of semen. Diet and no of times you masturbate?
183 Views hidden

Hair loss and thinning

Which vitamins plays a vital role in hair growth and hair thickening (no hereditary problem)? I've GERD problem for last 4-5 years.
29 Views hidden

Hair loss in last few months

Feelings less hairs on head. Suggest what diet play role of hair growth. Should I oil my hair or keep it dry always. Does Indulekha works or have any side effects also?
107 Views hidden

Tetrfol plus

What is the role of tetrafol plus in t/t of erectile dysfunction? My age is 46 yrs with h/o smoking & alcohol.
769 Views hidden

Infertility treatment

Why doctor gave me duphaston tablet while undergoing infertility treatment such as I took medicines and hormonal injections I want to know the role of duphaston tablet plss answer???
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Lean muscle body

Can anyone help me with a good diet plan? My current weight is 74. I want to get a good lean physique and diet play's an important role in that.
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