Recently Answered Questions on Preva


Difference between preva as and ecosprin

Please confirm both are same or different Who has more side effects preva or ecosprin av ? Please suggest
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Couldn't sleep after taking PREVA GOLD

I was diagnosed with TIA/Acute infract and was hospitalised for around 10 days. After discharge I used to take medication like preva gold kiopan etc as mentioned above and stopped using Blood pressure medicine (which I used to take regularly). Preva gold is taken after dinner then I have muscles pain,something unusual like I feels to walk.. Hungry.. Etc but actually I don't need any food but  feels to do something .. Couldn't sleep. But after 1..2 hrs everything back to normal as I feel too sleepy and go to bed. I have two question. 1) why blood pressure medicine is stopped by the doctor. (Bp is 140/100) I regularly check bp. 2) Is this side effects normal or do I need to consult a doctor.
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Can my father take paracetamol for fever

Hi Doctor, My father had angioplasty last month and he is taking Preva As 150 mg daily. He has fever. Can paracetamol be given to him?
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Long term usage of tablet

I had a TIA. Using preva as 75, rotin 20 and etibliss es since one year. Is there any side effects for kidneys. Can I stop these.
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For stroke

Need to ask for my mother . She had isemic stroke before 6 month , since then she is on preva as 75 mg and coltro 5 mg and later doctor changed it to preva 75 but she undergone today for PTINR and got INR RESULTS to be (1) so please suggest she she require increase in blood thinning medicine.
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Advice for

My father 84 years being administered preva 75mg twice in a Day is complaining about itching and red spots on the body. what should I do.
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Medicine suggestion

Hello, My father has been taking Preva gold 10mg from last 2 years. I want to know, if I switch to generic medicine (ROTSAN 10), would that be fine?
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Stifness in neck shoulder

I had brain stroke last year in 2015. I recovered from that but having stiffness in my left shoulder,hand & neck. right now i am taking preva as 75 tablet. My MRI / 2D Eco test are normal. plz guide regarding the problem.
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How to removewhite matter

My father has problem white matter.he is under medication withb b-rich, ceham- p ,rosuvas ,preva as .after one month he got vomtings he admited hospital. Now he is using ginko star,vertin 16,pantocid,storvas,deplot
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Ecco shows mild lvh rest is ok.

I had vision problem in my left eye three four times and eye specialist checked and found eyes in order he advised echo and holter which were shown to cardiologist who further advised for MRI and few blood test which were ok. Now cardiologist recommended tablets preva gold,olmark-20and recovit np .
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