Recently Answered Questions on ONSET


Tinnitus in both ears

Is tinnitus associated with onset of hearing loss or damage in outer hair cells? Or is it just psychological?
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Excessive cough

3yr old kid is having cold from 4days but from yesterday there was sudden onset of excessive cough. Should I use cepoderm . What is it's dosage for his age
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Rabies vaccine

Is rabies vaccine effective before the onset time appear? If anyone take rabies vaccine after 2 years from the exposure. Then is there any chance to occur rabies in future?
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What are hypogonadism causes

My elder daughter is 19 year old yet she did not get her menses. Her physical development is also not much as girls of her age. I am very worried for her. My family doctor says it may be due to late onset of puberty or due to hypogonadism. Please tell me what are the causes of hypogonadism?
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Delay period

I am delayed by my periods around 10 days my age is 37 ,with no pregnancy,hypothyroid patient akready but i dont feel any symptom of onset of period also. And this has happrned first time with me.
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Early Puberty

My cousin^s daughter is just 10 year old and she has started periods. Will this effect her overall growth, height etc. Does onset of early period stop growth in girls or this is myth. Please guide.
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Viral meningitis

My mother was recently diagnosed with viral meningitis because of my which she had sudden onsets of epileptic seizures. While she is discharged now and is recovering , I want to know more about taking steps for her better recovery and want to make sure that there this doesn't relapse in the future. Kindly advise.
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Thinning of hair.

Experiencing sudden onset of hair loss. This only happens while taking bath. Ie when they are wet. Hairs is getting thin where I part it. I have no family history of hair loss. What might be the reason?
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Low blood pressure

How to treat fatigue due to sudden onset of low BP? BP recorded 90/60, Pulse feeble
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Late menstrual cycle

My cycle has been later and later each cycle. I am late again and there is no way I could be pregnant because I had a period already last month and am not currently sexually active. Last month it was 6 days late and the month before 3. Is there a reason for the onset of it being late?
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