Recently Answered Questions on Misoprostol


Few blood drops

After misoprostol only few drops of blood came out what does it mean can you please suggest me what to do next.
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Aortion pills

Hello sir please tell me how to use clearkit available for abortion. And specialy about misoprostol
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Use of mtp kit

I have taken misoprostol after 18 hrs of taking mifepristone and i am not bleeding .
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Vomit after misoprotol

I vomited after half hour of taking misoprostol I need to take it again ?? What will be the cost..
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I have a problem realated pregnancy

After taking misoprostol i have only blood clots no bleeding is abortion done or not
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Using mankind unwanted

Hi, I have taken mankind unwanted mifepristone on 11th June,I was about to take misoprostol on 13th June.. but I got spotting before taking misoprostol. Should I continue with misoprostol or discontinue.
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Mifegest kit use process?

Can we take first dose of two tablets of misoprostol 200 mg vaginally & second dose of two tablets of misoprostol orally?? What is time difference between two doses of misoprostol tablet?
2748 Views hidden

Uterus us after 4 days of taking misopor

Im using misoprostol in 9th of july after 3,4 days today i have u.s. plz see my us and give suggestion
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Want to know about a medicine

What will happen if someone take misoprostol without pregnancy?how it will react?And does it effect women's fertility?
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Regarding pregnancy

Until  which  week  we  are  allowed  to  do medical abortion by mifepristone and misoprostol pills ?
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