Recently Answered Questions on Metrogyl


Periods problem

I am taking antibiotics penicillin,metrogyl and zincovit...i have missed periods for 7 days then had urine pregnancy test and it says negative with one line...what is the cause
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Loose motions

Loose motions since two days.Taking metrogyl 400 mg and entero phenol tablets twice a day , but loose motions continue to persist.
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Urinary tract infection

I am having urinary tract infection like whitening discharge , irritation ,and itchiness in urethera region. Now I am taking metrogyl 400mg tab and clotrimazole ointment
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Loose motion

One year 6month baby loose motion She is suffering from loose motion Metrogyl syrup with taxim antibotic eating
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Fungus patches

Hi I have got fungal patches between thighs from 3-4 months.. using zinetac and metrogyl and candid b cream for a month but it doesn't reduce. It is spreading. What shall I do.
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Pain in abdomen and frequent loo

I am having amoebiasis inflammation of mucus membranes,and as a result I suffer pain in abdomen and has frequent loo.Taking metrogyl 400 but not having relief instantly.
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Acne and pimple scars

Dr. Shaurya Rathogi... Please suggest me..I used saslic face wash and femcinol a gel...can I use metrogyl gel for pimples?
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Pain in stomach

I am having pain in my stomach from last 5 days and I am eating tablet metrogyl 400 and pancreo flat. But now getting anything better. Pain is remain same whole day. What should I do
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Stomach pain with motions

I have been having stomach pain along with water motions from last 2 days... I hav taken the medication of metal spas, eldoper, spordac metrogyl, but the problem has been persisting with out subsiding
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Diarrheagot loose motion 7 days back. Wa

I got loose motion 7 days back. Was in hospital was  treated with  o2 ,metrogyl and saline intervenes. Still getting loose stools twice a day with mild cramps on stomach.
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