Recently Answered Questions on MOMSTAR-T


Oily T area on face

I'm having very oily T area on my face, especially the nose is very oily and accumulates lots of white heads which often converts to pimples. Can you please suggest me any face wash to improve on this problem! Thanks.
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T bact Ointment

I have redness on penis, sometimes it come and sometimes it goes. And I also have irritation on my penis and feeling of going to pee again and again. Should I apply T Bact Ointment? Or it can be harmful?
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Physiotherapist needed in r t nagar

Physiotherapist needed in r t Nagar for patient with post brain stock paralysis, right side of the patient is completely paralysed
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T wave abnormal

T wave abnormality, consider inferolateral ischemia, abnormal ECG, pain in the left hand side and back
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Substitute of Cetanil T 20

Doctor has prescribed medicine Cetanil T 20. I could not get this medicine because of lock down. Is it safe to take below 2 tablets in place of Cetanil T 20 (Cilnidipine 20 mg + Telmisartan 40 mg) ? 1. Telmikind - 40 ( Telmisartan Tablets IP - 40 mg) 2. Cilacar 20 ( Cilnidipine Tablets IP 20 mg) Kind suggest if any thing I need to take care of. Regards,
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Copper -T for 7 years

I had copper -T for seven years after my first child , I was supposed to remove it on jan 18 and I missed my period in August 17 . I had safely delivered a helathy n happy baby . My question is does such thing happens or it’s a miracle and when should one remove the copper T say for 5 years then when is the right time to get it removed ? 3 years or 4 years ? Thank u
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Copper t inserted not got period

Insertion of copper t s done for me by doctor on January 9 ... I got periods of Feb at 6 light bleeding and at 9th heavy bleeding .. so doctor gave pause injection and tablet .. now it's March .. still I didn't become period .. it's safe of copper t.. I need to go n check or else I 'll become period
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Fainted line on T means ??

I missed my period which was on 25th July on 30 July I took a pregnancy test by prega news and I got a dark line on C and a fainted line on T ...Am I pregnant???
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Copper t issue after delivery

I delivered the baby normal delivery at govt hospital on Jan 8 they insert copper t after delivery now the tread is missing and not visible  what should I do I am not  feeling any discomfort or pain.
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Nonspecific t wave abnormality

Ecg comes nonspecific t wave abnormality I am a hypertension patient since 2 year After medication bp came to normal What's happen to this anything to worry...local doc says it's normal
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