Recently Answered Questions on Lupi-Hmg



After 3 hmg injections my wife (pcod, irregular cycle)was said for follicular test on day 9 , but no DF found, in previous cycle test showed follicle size 0.9 mm on day 18 without hmg, when to expect DF in tht case wth HMG in this cycle?
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Lupi hcg 5000 in pregnancy

Dear sir, I am 7 week pregnant and due to miscarriage history in last year doctor suggested me to take zy HCG 5000 for once in a week for two months.first 3 weeks it has taken by doctor it self and 4 th time I have purchased the injection and taken it by some other nurse, and that Time medical shop person given me lupi HCG 5000 instead of zy HCG 5000. Is there any problems?
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Spotting post HMG injection

Hi Doctor had advised HMG injection for 3 days before IUI. I have spotting .Is it normal. Pls advice
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HCG not traceable even after Lupi HCG

I had taken Lupi HCG 5000 injection on 06 Feb, 2023 after folicle test when right ovary size was 19*13 mm . But urine pregnency test got negative today. My concern is why HCG is not traceable even after taking injection and test done on 8th day of injection ? Atleast HCG should be traceable and false positive report should be there.
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Hmg injection and pcod

My doctor gave day 2 letrozel 2.5 and hmg 150, day 3 hmg 75, day 7 went hospital for follicle study my follicle size 10*9 doctor cancelled iui this cycle .how can I improve follicle size doctor said ur follicle is not growth .
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Materna hmg injection

I have been advised materna hmg 75 iu on 3rd day of my cycle , but I have a 7 day cycle . I would like to know what is the right time to have intercourse after taking the shot as I have a 7 day cycle .thanks in advance.
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Injection lupi FSH inj 75 mg

What is Lupi FSH INJection 75mg ?? is it normal or having side effects? my doctor suggested me to for injection is 14 day of my cycle
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Dosage of Lupi HCG injection

Is it necessary to administer Lupi HCG injection repeatedly? Can they be stopped after one dose only? My sister is 5W is pregnant and in absence of her regular Gynac she consulted another one where they suggested her to take the injection as her beta HCG counts were a little low. She panicked and took it but now she feels she shouldn't have taken it without her own gynac's approval. Can they be discontinued after one dose or any minimum dose repeats are necessary?
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Lupi hcg 5000iu

My wife se 3 month pregnent and after 6 week usg done my doctor told me to have lupi hch 5000 iu once in a week. I was taking injection timely but due some issue i had to take injection on previous friday but its delayed so i am taking it today so i want to know that if i take this injection 1 today and then on 9th of dec then 13th of dec so if there any kind of problem to me because i have to go to my doc for checkup on 16th of dec so i want to know like this can i have injection or not.
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Lupi hcg 5000 injection during pregnancy

As i had stillbirth during my last pregnancy at 24th week my doctor advised me to take lupi hcg injection for 4 months once in a week...i have came through google that taking such injection is harmful...whether is it ok to take that injection or shall i stop...and now am in my 16th week of my pregnancy.
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