Recently Answered Questions on Kidney Stone


Kidney stone

Sir I have 2mm kidney stone , do I need to do any diet modifications? Daily I drink spearmint tea or green tea can I drink these with kidney stone ?
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Kidney stone

I think my kidney stone got stuck in foreskin of penis. I think it's kidney stone cause I can see a black colour thing coming out of my foreskin. What should I do?
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Kidney Stone

My father is having two kidney stones of size 30 mm and 13 mm in his left kidney.. Can stones be removed without open surgery?? What will be the best advice
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Kidney stone

I took a ultrasound and it shows 6.7mm stone in left kidney. But the stone is stuck in upper side and the kidney is swelling. Please tell me the medication nd some tips to relieve from pain
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Kidney stone

Performed ct scan: Right kidney: 4.3 mm stone and 3.3 mm stone Left kidney: two tiny concreations
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Kidney Stone

I have detected kidney stone with 5 mm size at middle of the calyx. Please suggest homeopathy option for 5 mm kidney stone.
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Kidney stone

I remove my gallballder because i have too much stones in bladder...and i have fatty lever grade 3 problem also and i have kidney stone in both shoul i treat this plz tell me??
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Kidney stones

Yesterday I fill pain on my lower back and then I confirm that I have kidney stones ... But the size of panis egg is increas .. is it normal on kidney stone.
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Kidney Stone

My mother has been diagnosed with Kidney Stone in Gabladder. She has High Blood Pressure issue already. I wanted to know how much would it cost for  Kidney Stone operation?
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Stones in both kidney

Sir.. my  kidneys having stones .. 2 in right hand side. . Size is less than 4 mm .. Pls advice .. How can I remove it ... also let me know how can I make my kidney healthy and free from stones
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