Recently Answered Questions on Hucog


Medicine confirmation

LMP was 22nd July. Period was not regular . Doctor has advised not to take normoz now. Anomaly scan not done due to late ovalution . Current medicine Gestofit 300 sr, innovfol and calcium and iron tablets and softovac and daily antacid pantoride 40. My question 1. Everyday antacid is ok? 2. Is it sufficient for folic acid and dha? 3. Is it ok for her spicy good like Biriyani, fried rice and frozen food? 4. She should take rest fully or do some excersize. Though she had some bleeding during 1st trimester and doctor prescribed hucog 5000 inj. I am fully confused about her diet because she is very choosey and no one is there to take care except me and Everyday I have office. Kindly suggest what should I do?
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Suggestion required

On 15-Oct- 2021, I was on 12th day after completion of period and had a folliculometry test, with result dominant follicles of 18*17 mm and 9*9 mm on R ovary n multiple small follicles on L part with POD: no free fluid seen. On 17- Oct- 21, had another test with result 11*8 mm follicle on R ovary and 8*8 mm on left ovary with endometrium thickness 11.8 mm, POD: No free fluid. Doctor was busy so did not clarify about the 18*17mm follicle, whether it ruptured or not, if ruptured then there should be free fluid, but mentioned as no free fluid. Please clarify what happened with the 18*17 follicle,is that ruptured?? As I need to take Hucog after matured of egg and I missed the 1st follicle, will be appearing for 3rd test on 19-Dec-2021. Is it the right time for intercourse?? Need suggestion and clarify my doubt
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Bleeding in Pregnancy

Hi Doctor, my LMP was on 6/10 and I had my pregnancy tests on 10/11 and 14/11. Both positive. However on 17/11 I started bleeding like period with heavy cramps. I am still bleeding even after 5 days with mild cramps sometimes heavy as well. I had Usg on 18/11 where a gestational sac of 7.5mm is seem with no yolk sac and fetal pole. I am advised to take Hucog 5000 unit hp injections on every Friday and Tuesday thereafter. I am medicated with Sustain 400 release tablet daily at bedtime with Duguston three times a day. I also had Texid for 3 days, 3 times a day. I am on bed rest. The problem is I am still on same page and unable to understand why all this is happening and till what time I should be on above prescriptions. Why I have not been asked to go for any blood test or any other pregnancy tests yet? I am quite worried if my baby will be ok. Please advise.
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Pregnancy consultation

Dear team of doctors i want to ask that my LMP was 10th august and i was put on medication of Letrozole 5 mg for 5 days from day 3rd On day 8th i.e on 18th aug my follicular monitoring started and right ovary had 22 mm egg and no egg in left ovary so my gynaec gave 10000mg hucog and i continued follicular monitoring I was also prescribed to take progynova 2mg for uterine lining from 9th day of periods On day 10th when i went for follicular monitoring then right ovary had 25mm egg and left ovary had 15mm egg On day 13th i.e on 23rd august my follicules of both ovaries ruptured wherein Right ovary egg had reached 28mm and left ovary egg 18mm ... from day 14th i was prescribed with duphaston tablet twice a day for next 15 day ... And now 10th of september is passed and i have no periods yet ,no kind of spotting ,no pregnancy symptoms What shall i do ???
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Pregnancy problem

Today I got my ultrasound done at 5 weeks 6 days. Results are - fetal pole and cardiac activity is visualised. FHR is 103 bpm. CRL measures 3.4 mm corresponding to 5 weeks 6 days. Impression: Single live intra uterine pregnancy corresponding to 5w 6d by CRL with fetal bradycardia. Gestation age : 6 w 4 days Lmp: 13 March 2022 I consulted with 2 doctors (gynae) , one doctor (10 yrs exp)suggested injection Hucog 5000 IU to boost the growth. And the other doctor (39 yrs exp) did not suggested any injection and I am currently taking Dydroboon , folic and thyronorm. And both have suggested to repeat ultrasound after 2 weeks. I have a history of misscarriage last year , please tell me should I take the booster injections or not?
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Ovarian Cyst Hemorrhagic 30*28 mm

Dear mam/sir, We have planning for baby from last 6 months. This month we consult a doctor who suggested us to do follicular study. On 11th, 13th and 14th of menses, left ovary dominant follical sizes are 18, 20, 22 mm respectively with ET are 6.5, 7 and 7.7 mm. On 14th day , our doctor advised to take  Hucog 5000 injuction. We take the same. They ask to do sonography on 16th day too. Report on 16th days (i.e. today) shows as 30x28 size and comment as Ovarian Cyst Hemorrhagic with echoes and membrane within and ET is 10 mm. What does this mean ?? Our doctor is on holiday for 15 days. Can any body help us what to do.. (note : we also had a intercourse on 11th, 12th, 14th day of menses once a day, whether we should have the same on today (16th Day)  too ???)  Does every thing is normal . Or there is any thing to worry .. please advise.
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Bleeding in early pregnancy

Hi , I have one son 6yrs old this is my second pregnancy. My LMP was 29th march . I got positive test on 29th april (hone test kit) also done my beta hcg on 30th april and it was 5399. After that everything was going fine. I wasn't having any morning sickness . But unfortunately on 12th april afternoon I spotted bleeding. I visited my gynecologist she gave me injection hucog 5000I.U and advised weekly Injections also my scan was done. Which shows normal pregnancy but it only shows Gsac and single yolk sac of 5 weeks 4 days also  no fetal pole seen. Their was no bleeding inside the uterus also no ectopic pregnancy. My gynecologist advised bed rest and repeat scan aftr 10 days for heartbeat. But from yesterday afternoon whenever I go to toilet I experience bleeding..I m very much worried and tensed . Kindly suggest and give your expert advice.. also what to expect in this situation. I heard that in many pregnancies it happens but still I m worried. Plz help
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Is it possible to hv delayed conception

My last period was on 29th July. Since then no periods and I did not worry because past 15 years I am having delayed period issue and being a first stage PCOD patient. Since then I and my husband had sex 3-4 time and the last one was on 22nd Sept. I did a home pregnancy test on 28th Sept and got a very faint line. Reached to doctor and from Beta test she confirmed a 5 week pregnancy with Beta count of 494 only. Later I had done ultrasound on 8th Oct which showed 5week 2 day pregnancy. I continued taking medicine and Hucog 5000 injection. Today (27th Oct) I went for followup and doctor confirm that there is no heartbeat in the fetus. To my amaze the doctor said its only 5 weeks 6 day pregnancy. Three weeks gone and only this much growth. Doctor advised to wait for another 1 week and see if heartbeat comes, else we need to terminate the pregnancy. Please suggest if this could be a case of delayed conception? Attached are reports.
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Medicines During Pregnanc

Hi Docs, My wife is 7th week pregnant now. We came to know about this at the 5th week when we were in Cuttack, Odisha. There doc asked to take Dubagest SR 200 twice daily, ASA 75mg once daily, Fol123 Once daily, Serbiline 2tsp twice daily, hucog 5000 hp inj once in a week. Now we are in Bangalore and consulted a doc here, she had done another scan, heart rate of the baby is 118/min, attachment looks good. But she asked us to discontinue all the medicines & injections except Fol123. Everyday my wife travels total 50Km up & down to her office by cab. Now confusion is, should we discontinue the medicines or not? Because things are going pretty good so far. Again taking unwanted medicines are not good. Please help us clearing the doubts. I'll be thankful.
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Last USG- Cardia activity not apreciated

1st USG-4/4/20 - LMP:5/2/20, fetal pole, yolk sac seen. Fetal heart rate 81beats per min. Cardiac activity is feeble. Intrauterine gestation 6weeks 2days seen. MSD: 21mm about 6weeks 3days. CRL: 4mm about 6weeks 2days. 2USG:20/4/20:fetal pole, yolk sac seen. Cardiac activity not appreciated. Intrauterine gestation 6weeks 3days seen. No interval growth seen. MSD:35mm about 8weeks 3days. CRL:6mm about 6weeks 3days. My doctor is suggesting to drop the baby..Is there any ray of hope. Shall I wait for sometime or proceed with the doctor.. Please suggest:I took folic acid,duphaston,zincovit,ecosprin,injection hucog 5000iu.sujat capsules..plz plz reply wat can i do doctor told he will wash it off..This is my first time..
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