Recently Answered Questions on HOPE


Hepatitis A (HAV) vaccine

Hello Doctor, I hope you are doing well. I have a question: Is the Hepatitis A (HAV) vaccine necessary for every individual? and what if someone is not vaccinated and gets affected by HAV. Thanks.
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I am applying mupirocin

I am applying mupirocin on my blister on hand . i hope it works. i am very scared that why it is not healing.
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Same problem gout is dangerous or by using tablets we can overcome that problem plz explain the treatment in briefly sir so that we can proceed with that ...has I was uneducated...hope ur helping me ...
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Want to know about medicine

Hope you are doing well 🙏 What is uses of rufagot 400?? Does its work for IBS ?? Thanking you,
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Pregnancy test

Yesterday I got a faint positive on my pregnancy test , but today there is no second line . What does this mean ? Should I lose hope for this month ?
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Neck Pain 15 days

My sister have pan in neck from 15 day, had her MRI of neck Report attached, please advice. I hope this is not serious
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Gelusil MPS liquid substitute in Ayurved

Hi, Can you please help me with best ayurvedic syrup for the substitute of Gelusil MPS liquid . Hope will get the help
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Milk spitup

My daughter is 50 days old and sometimes she spit up milk from nose. Hope it's normal and not dangerous for my kid.
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Lipid profile test report

Hi Doctors, Pls check my lipid profile test report , is it seriously something very serious , if yes hope can I curtail possible consequences.
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Pregency related question

It's been 35 days since my last period came, I don't have any pregency symptoms, I am getting burps a lot. Can I hope to be pregnent?
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