Recently Answered Questions on Floxil-O


Giving idli at night 2 o clock

My lo is 11 months old. He takes solid food along with BM. Last three days he is crying continuously around 2 am. My mil says he is hungry. Can I give one idly at 2 o clock for him? Will it create digestive problems?
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Ibugesic & Taxim O syrb safe for 2yr kid

Hi Doctor, My 2 year kid had ankle sprain 25 days back.. Recently we have consulted again and they have given Ibugesic syrub Taxim O Is it safe for my 2 year kid? Because after these medicine kid is unable to walk completely? If any side effect because of this medicine will it cause anything major on body? Will child overcome from that? How long it will take?
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O titre- 1:120 after typhoid treatment

My course for typhoid was completed on 7th july. I had fever since past three days but not anymore. When i checked my typhoid widal O its 1:120 and H - 1:60 and IgM was weakly positive. I want to know can typhoid titre be that much after treatment or my typhoid is relapsing? Please suggest doctors.
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Productivity n pure o type ocd

I have pure o type ocd n clomipramine helped me 70% ...but my productivity is still zero , I bathed 3 month ago n brushed my teeth 6 month ago ...i want to bath but can't execute ,im a big mother is a schizophrenic but i dont have any delusion , is this can be a case of schizophrenia ?
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What does o&h antigen 1:80 in widal test

My father is having fever from last 3 days.In widal test report s.para typi o antigen is 1:80 and s.para typi h antigen is 1:80. Is it normal or clear indication of typhoid please clarify if we need to worry about it.
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S Typhi 'O' 1:160 for my daughter(6 yo)

Hello Doctor My daughter has below parameters . Does it reflect typhoid ? She has fever going on for 4 days and appetite lost S Typhi 'o' 1:160 S Typhi 'h' 1:80 S paratyphi AH 1:20 S Paratyphi BH 1:20 Please help
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Taxim o 100 DT actual dose.

My baby age is 3 month. My baby was hydronephrosis. Dr after puv surgery he give medicine my child TAXIM O 100 HALF BD. SO PLEASE HELP ME WHAT IS THE ACTUAL DOSE THIS MEDICINE. AND ALSO GIVE TROPAM 2MG. TROPAM IS SAFE MEDICINE FOR MY BABY. MY BABY WEIGHT 5KG300 GRAM.PLEASE HELP ME.
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Giddiness with vl oly b der fr sec

Hi I am a post graduation student, from past 2 months I get sudden giddiness but it will oly b fr fraction sec in dat sec il b Normal. Wn i get that fr dat sec I'll b blank n feel to sit wr ever i be. Could you please help me In this
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Taxim-O 200 & Cyclopam 19 weeks pregnant

I have a slight pain in right side of abdomen, towards the waist area and sometimes sudden pain around the lower abdomen. No unusual discharge. My gynac has prescribed Taxim-O 200 and Cyclopam tablets for 3 days, twice a day. Is it safe for me and my baby at 19 weeks pregnancy? I will be taking Urine routine and culture sensitivity test but I was asked to start taking medicine before the results come in.
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7 month baby shall use monocef -o 100

How much dose should use monocef-o100 for 7 months baby, baby weight 6.9 kg, , fever, cold, cough, dr prescribed fepanil drops1ml, KUFRIL-LS, 1 ml, maxtra syrup2. 5 ml, monocef-o 100,2ml twice
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