Recently Answered Questions on Flagyl


Loose motion

My brother is on psychiatric medicine * lithium 600mg * olanzapine 15mg * trixie 2mg *clonazepam 0.125 mg morning, 0.5 mg night He is having loose motion can i give him flagyl 400 mg and lopramide
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Infection in vagina

I have infection in vagina . Doctor prescribed flagyl 200 3 times, biodoxi 100 2 times and enanzem d 3 times a day. I had this medicine previously for some day and had side effects. I stopped for few days. Doctor is asking g to take them anyway. Is this combination safe. I am starting again from tomorrow.
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Loose motions

I have having loose motions from yesterday.... watery ... took o2 yesterday after dinner along with becelac fortz... still no improvement... today in the morning took flagyl 500 ... still same watery... after lunch agn took 02 and becelac fortz... M regularly taking ors Please help
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Early spotting

I have got little spotting 4 days before my periods are due. Pls. Advice what it could be.i have been on medicine taravid 400 mg twice a day, flagyl twice a day and no spa once a day. Also using vaginal cream gyno travogen once a day through applicator. I am due periods on 4th feb.
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Pus formation

Teeth 18 was extracted and some stitches were put. Medicines prescribed were for 3 days and 2 times Flagyl Ultracet Chymoral forte Now even on 6 day pus is seen so what to do now and medicines were discontinued from 4 day. On 4 day ciplox was also taken Thanks
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Painful gum boil with pus inside

I have a gum boil at the side of a root canaled tooth for some time now. Was put on augmentin 625 and flagyl 400 but the infection still remains though somewhat controlled now. Now I have been prescribed ornidazole gel for local application. Do I need surgical intervention?
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C-Diff in Toddler - is it back?

Our nearly 3 year old toddler had c-diff acquired by overuse of antibiotics following a surgery. She had been treated with Flagyl the first time as well as for a recurrence and has been rid of symptoms for approximately 4weeks. Though the symptoms have not returned fully, some mucus in her stool was noted recently. What should be our next steps?
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Dysentry and cramps

I am 32years old..from 2weeks I have been suffering from dysentry...I having stomach cramps..and having dycentry 2 to 3times a day...for this I started taking flagyl 400 2times for 5days previously prescribed by question is do I need take this medicine for 5days...or can i stop taking it...or can reduce the dose..pls suggest...I already took it for one day..
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Stomach upset

I have facing acidity problem some time pain left side some times right side.. two three days back I was carry fully loaded lpg cylinder ground floor to third floor our residence after this I feel pain in my stomach right side rib area I am taking this two medicine Flagyl 400 Cyclopam Pls advice
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Dark or brownish urine during pregnant

My wife is now 29 weeks pregnant and she is recently diagnosed with urine infection (ecoli). She started medication for this from yesterday and today morning for her, dark or brownish urine came. She took flagyl tablet for urine infection. Is this normal to have dark or brownish color urine during this medication??
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