Recently Answered Questions on FLOW


Shorter period flow

Hi doctor. My regular cycles last between 24 - 26 days. This time I have had a period flow of just two days against my usual 4 days of flow. Should I be concerned?
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Period flow is reduced after stillbirth.

Period flow is reduced after stillbirth.its been 1 yr i had period flow has been reduced and last for 3 days where usually i have for 5 days...what is the reason
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Due to miscarage have blue flow

After miscarage havy blood flow and feeling weakness . After completion of 1st month in few days mc was started and from last 5 to 6 days blood flow is coming
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Periods Flow not proper

From past two months I'm having problem with my periods... It will start on time but the flow is very less... I can use one pad for the whole day... Please suggest any syrup so that the flow will be proper... Thanks in advance!
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Period flow

I am the mother of 20 month child 28 sept 23 I got my period the flow was very light pinkish dark red some clot also come my child is on breastfeeding &eats solid food too My USG test was normal Tsh 3.34 T3 2.0 T4 6.06 Sugar fasting 91.09 I loses my 53 to 45 kg weight now I m 45 kg I m very tense about my period when it's come regularly Pregnancy test negative
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Low periods blood flow

I got my periods today but there is no blood flow instead I got black colour discharge and dizziness is it due to low iron or PCOS please can you tell some remedies for good blood flow
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High resistance blood flow

What if umbilical artery blood flow is normal and uterine arteries blood flow show high resistance....will it affect baby's growth and weight severely???
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Urine flow report

Is this report normal just wanted to check ...or any issue with urine flow. Is this report normal just wanted to check ...or any issue with urine flow
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Period flow is very light

Period started today ,regular in time but very light last month which lasted only 2 days  and this month also flow is light but before that I was having good medium flow
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Blood flow to baby

I have a blood flow problem to baby as it's my 4th month what should I do naturally to improve blood flow to baby?my doctor suggest me an ecosprin aspirin tablet is that enough to improve ,pls I need a solution am in panic
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