Recently Answered Questions on Etizola


Hello sir, Need your advice

Hello sir! I had trement of anxiety and depression for 2years, after that I felt that I'm fine and I left taking medicine till now which lasts three or four months. But since one and half week I'm not able to sleep at night and after somedays I also got fast heartbeat especially at bed time can't sleep because of this and also feel that there is some problems in my heart, and also acidity sometimes happening to me, But now I don't have any anxiety symptoms that I had before just not able to sleep at night and heartbeat is fast, So what should dear Dr. Thanks These are the medicine that I used: 1 Etizola beta 2 Cloze 3 Es citalopram 4 Bupiron xl 150mg 5 cap coucid DSR
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Anxiety and vertigo 15 days back

Hey I slept at 2 am and sudden my phone rang i awake at 5 am 15 days back and hit  2 to 3 vertigo episode back to back very short duration i am on escitalopram 20, and etizola 0.5 tds since 2 years since lockdown my lifestyle is bad late night sleeping and gaming now i am on vertin 8 bd initially tds now i have always fear of vertigo home bound in short hypochondriac feel. kindly guide me .
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Anxiety and restlessness

My wife was advised to take tab mirtaz 7.5 at night and tab. Etizola 0.5mg at morning for having severe restlessness and anxiety... When my wife started taking mirtaz 7.5 at night ,from next morning she keept on sleeping for 1 pm ...Her sleeping habits increased suddenly and she keept on sleeping unless we awaken her forcefully... because of this sleeping habits she got more irritated and agrresive... But for last 2 days I have not given her mirtaz 7.5 at night and we are seeing that her sleeping time has got better. She getup her self at 10am . Please suggest me (1)  if I stop mirtaz 7.5 suddenly than it can worsen my wife restlessness and anxiety ?
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Sore throat and heartburn since 1 month

I have sore throat and feel congestion in chest in morning and evening since one month. I consulted General physician and ENT also. While taking medicine it works only one to two day. ENT prescribed me PAN 40, Etizola 0.25 and Gaviscon for 21 day course. When I take this medicine it's work  a short period . Apart from this I always feel little congestion in morning and evening after taking breakfast and meal. I alway experience so much  blenching and when it came out it relief in chest and throat also. I am very worried about this symptoms because it is  make me worried and anxieties. Please suggest what to do or not. Thanks
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Regarding blood pressure

Sir 1.5 years back i used to have borderline hogh bp with highest recorded reading of 145/95.. I have visited a cardiologist then.. he did my ecg and said apart from anxiety everything is normal.. he referred me to psychiatrist.. i am under his treatment since.. currently i am taking escitalopram 5mg and etizola .25 mg before sleep.. I have been working out too.. I have checked my bp just after exercise and it was 125/65 and i read on internet that diastolic pressure drops after exercise.. Today morning i checked my bp and it was 117/65.. is my diastolic low? Or having normal systolic and low diastolic a problem?? Wat should i do! Please guide me I have attached the ecg of 1.5 years back
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Vertigo complaints

Hello sir nearly two months back I have a vertigo Attack at morning on that time i m on anxiéty medicines rexipra 20, buspin 10 *3 nd etizola 2mg whole day nd clonazepam 0.5 at night doctor started vertin 8 tds now m taking 4 mg at morning nd 8mg at night i have fear of withdraw meds because sometimes I am thinking that what I go came back sometimes I am feeling for a second is zap. i withdraw etizolam near to half and go on .
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Vertigo 14 days ago

I had a vertigo episode 14 days back and that I am taking vertin 8 TDS I am quite relief now and doing some vestibular rehabilitation exercise also I provide the whole kind of history like that I slept at 2 am on that time and suddenly awake at 5:00 a.m. and suddenly I feeling that spinning of head this happen 2 to 3 times i am on anxiety treatment also taking escitalopram 20 and etizola 0.5. now reduce dose taking two time, fear of future attacks always think about that.
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Restlessness medicine

I have restlessness n anxiety problem so Dr suggested me to take Serta 50mg...but I had to quit this medicine because suicidal thought occored to me. Then Dr said to leave Serta and start mirtaz 7.5 at night and Etizola .5 at night, but I had to quit mirtaz 7.5 because of excessive sleeping habit developed from next day. I was unable to get up my self. I used to get up forcefully till 1 pm. Is not there any good medicine available which can cure n severe restlessness and anxiety and not show any side effects like dowziness, weekness, suicidal thoughts. Pls help.
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Multiple issues

Hi I have joint pains in my knees and hands, intermittent nerve vibrations/tingling through out my body and chest pain in the left side sometimes. Also, when I try to sleep, the heart starts pounding very fast and my body also starts shivering from inside and to stop that, I have to get up and sit for sometime and only then it feels better. My heart beats also feels very noticeable at all times and feel something moving inside at times . Not sure what is the problem. My ecg and troponin levels are normal and I have been taking Remyelin d and Etizola tablets for two weeks now but there is no improvement and is getting worse and is going on for more than 6 months . Can somebody please explain what could be the problem and what medication should I be taking to treat these problems? Thanks in advance for any help that I can get.
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I am suffering from anxiety problem

I m having anxiety problem from last 1.5 month. The doctor after doing all the tests confirmed that it is anxiety. My blood pressure is normal 80/120 however my pulse is quite high 105 p/m. I also feel shortness of breath sometimes.He gave me nexito plus tablet for 7 days after which i felt almost normal. Then again i consulted another doctor who gave me etizola beta 0.25 mg twice a day. I am worried that these medicines can harm me in the long run. So i want to go for homeopathic treatment. Is anxiety curable through homeopathy without any sideffects. Please help me.
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