Recently Answered Questions on EPIROID-T


T duralast t tazzle

Should I take both t duralast and T tazzle together or only one of them before sex.. And will it show result in first use
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Trop t test

My mother has negative trop t test please help me what should we do. Please tell us in detail
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T-Score was found to be -2.92

I did a bone density test and my T-Score was found to be -2.92, what shall i do?
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Lump in arm after T. T injection.

I had a T. T. injection 4 days ago and there is a lump in my arm after that. Is it normal? How do I get rid of it??
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T yasmin..

T yasmin was given for pcod is it also a oral contraceptive like ginette? .. are both same? Or with t yasmin risk increases?
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T T injection

Hi Doctor, My brother taken covid vaccine on sept 9th and he got wound on sept 11th while walking , he kept leg on iron sheet . it is a minor wound. Now he want to take T T injection. Can he take TT injection as he taken covid vaccine 11days ago
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T duralast is good

Is t duralast good if my husband take it is there any side effect of it will it not harm him is it oki or should he conern a doc n take it
25033 Views hidden

611 T abnormality(flat T)

My triglycerides level is 410 and i recently did usg which shows result: 800 normal sinus rhythm and 611 T Abnormality(flat T). i want to know is this 611 T abnormality(flat t) dangerous or i will go to another doctor as doctor gives no medicine to me for this abnormality. can you please give me some suggestions and prescribe me some medicines for this and tell me in detail regarding usg results
2191 Views hidden

About copper t use

Please suggest for copper t is safe or not. I'm little scare about that. I heard after use copper t period problem, irregular period, excess bleeding is true or not. Please advice.
411 Views hidden

About Copper T?

My wife and I want to stop pregnancy for short term. Therefore we need to know about Copper T. It will stop pregnancy or not? Where we can put this at Kochi? And How much will be the cost?
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