Recently Answered Questions on EMESET


Ondem/Emeset during Pregnancy

Hi, My wife is 6 weeks pregnant, she's troubled with nausea and vomiting. Nausea is there the whole day. Our doctor suggested we give her 1 Emeset per day whenever required. But for how long should I continue Emeset/Ondem? Is it safe? I did some research online and found that Ondansetron chemical can cause clept lip or palate. Can I continue with 1 or 2 pills per day? The effect of 1 pill wears out in 10-11 hours. Please help.
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Pan and emeset injection during pregnanc

Hi Doctors, I am 6th week pregnant, i am having so much nausea and vomiting couldn't able to have anything. Doctor given me doxebete tablet but thats not working for me at all. Now Doctor given Pan and Emeset injection for alternative days. Is it safe ? Will it harm by taking alternative days?
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Emeset tablet usage

I am 14 weeks pregnant and I have been facing nausea and vomiting for the past 10 days only for which I have been taking Emeset 4 which have been prescribed by my doctor in case of vomiting.... I hear so many different opinions about taking Emeset tablet on regular basis Please advise.... I have already taken 10 tablets for 10 days should I stop taking that tablet or can I continue if nauseated....
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Emeset 4 tablet

Should I consume emeset 4 before food after food. Please guide me. It's around 8pm now. When shall I have dinner and tablet
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Vomiting continuously. Emeset or Domstal

My 22month old son had few sips of lassi from outside shop on 1st jan night. Since 2nd jan morning he is vomiting everything . Including water and breast milk. White or colourless Vomit. Gave Domstal 3ml (suggested earlier to use when needed by our family pediatrician) but he vomited that too. As vomiting got severe consulted a pediatrician in a hospital . They gave him Emeset 2mg and dose was 5ml. We waited for an hour and gave ORS after that . Only breast milk he had after that. Then after 10HOURS he vomited again completely. Doctor has asked to give Emeset 2mg syrup 3ml twice a day for 3days . To add : Since 3months old , he is a constipated baby . He passes hard poop every 3-5days. I would like to ask is Domstal safe for the baby or Emeset is fine to go with. He is 22months old and 11.1kg. Could you please clarify . Thanking in advance.
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Emeset tablet in pregnancy is safe ?

Hi I am in my 8th week of pregnancy and I had vomiting so doctor suggested to take Emeset tablet. This is the first time I am taking this tablet. It has reduced my vomiting sensation and vomiting but is it safe to take this tablet? I see different google review to quite concerned.
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Emeset 8 mg

My doctor prescribed me emeset 8mg when i feel nausea or vomit. I don't take it regularly but when needed badly. I am in my 14 week of pregnancy. I didn't vomit in first trimester except for once. But now i feel very bloated and nausea and sometimes vomit also happens. My NT NB scan is also fine
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Emeset for car sickness

Hello doctors, My daughter usually have car sickness even if we travel for 15 mins so I got a prescription from a pediatrician ie. Emeset syrup, so that we can travel home by car (8-10 hrs journey) My daughter never takes any medicine or syrup without us holding her tight n forcefully giving the med.. so can we give her Emeset by mixing it in 2 spoons ice cream? She is 2 yrs and 4 months old with weight 10.9 kg. There is no other way to travel. Thank you in anticipation.
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Severe vomitting problem during pregnanc

I am in 11th week of my pregnancy. I m having severe nausea and vomitting. I was advised to take doxinate once a day and emeset only if vomitting is severe. I am having severe vomitting despite taking doxinate but I m feeling good after taking emeset. Can I continue emeset on daily basis in place of doxinate. Is it safe to take emeset daily?
5520 Views hidden


I am 12weeks pregnant... I have severe vomiting.. Is it advisable to take injection emeset Kindly advise me
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