Recently Answered Questions on Deflazacort


Pregnant 15 weeks, cough cold and fever

I am 15 week pregnant and i recently devloped severe cough, cold and fever. i have allergic bronchtis also. for which i consulted my pulmologist he gave me DEFLAMONK 6 MG Composition: DEFLAZACORT 6mg= Twice a day for 5 day Then 6mg for 5 days, DESKAST Composition: Destoratadine 5 MG + Montelukast 10 MG, for 10 days, Symbicort inhaler and nasal spray. I told them to prescribe me a nebuliser. he said nebuliser isnt a good habit then he prescribed me this medicines Is it safe for pregnancy? Pls suggest me i am worried about this
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Menstrual cycle at 20 days

Respected Doctors Need your advice.. Actually my wife always had her periods regular between 28-30 days But last mnth she had her cycle of 23 days LMP 22 NOVEMBER I thought it is normal But this month she had her cycle yesterday it's her 20th day She is having her treatment of rheumatoid arthritis since two months We are little confused whether she had her irregularity last month and this month due to the medicines of rheumatoid arthritis or she has developed hormonal imbalance due to which her period has come before. We need your advice shud we wait n watch for one more month for cycle duration or I shud go for hormonal blood tests She is taking these salts Hydroxichlorquine Etodolac Deflazacort Calcium Vit d3 Is she needs hormonal blood tests to be done please advice I will proceed with it Thanku v much☺️☺️
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Leg pen and tingling

My mother is suffering from pain in RT leg and tingling in both legs below knee. I went to Ortho specialist he advised me for MRI...(L.S.SPINE) Suggested some oral medicine likes (1)Cobaforte cd3 once a day (2)Tab deflazacort twice a day (3) Tab preganza NT twice a day (4) vit d 60k once a week (5) Zerodol sp (s.o.s) 6)Inj Dynapar AQ (s.o.s) (7) L.S belt She is taking all these for last 1.5 month but no positive results yet. Tingling in both legs increases while walking and sleeping in straight posture. Pls help me so that my mother get relief from pain and tingling
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Irritation in throat ,congestion in nose

I had covid in April 1st week, then in May I started feeling congestion in my right nostril and irritation in throat, I feel like I am taking cough out through my mouth instead of nose. I did a CT scan for it in which it was written that I have mucosal thickening in right nasal cavity and DNS to right side. I took antibiotics with anti allergics for 15 days and now I am taking Deflazacort, montek fx, xyloflo and metatop nasal spray. I am feeling little bit improvement in my nose but still can't sleep due to throat irritation. I feel like urge of bringing cough out of mouth but very little cough comes out.
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Swelling on face, eyes, lips, cheek, forehead, limbs, figures, palm, tongue, oesophagus, and breathing difficulty sometimes. Eyelids get completely closed. Simply swelling on face and with redness, itching and patches on limbs, waist etc. Took antihistamin (Bapotastine 10mg BD) and cortisteroids (Deflazacort 6mg SOS) for 2 continuous years. Was controlled to little extent. Now has stopped for 5 months due to pregnancy. And it has errupted again very badly. Worried about the safety of baby? Can angioedema be cured completely?
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Suffering with itching and rashes

I have been suffering with itching and rashes all over the body,also i experince seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthmatic symtoms in winters . Doctors earlier prescribed steroid creams and atihistamins like montair lc and deflazacort 6 which proved to be effective against all symtoms but as soon as i stopped taking the medicine just after24hrs the conditions again worsened. Ihave been suffering with these problems from years. Also a continuous application of steroid creams like momate and momate f have made my skin more sensitive. My forehead has turned all black and also redness and swelling around both the side of nose.are there any antihistamine or tablets which could be taken my be for longer periods which have some fewer sideeffects?
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Ance on body

Suddenly 3 days back around 1000 ancestors occurred on my Tommy area fully covered with acnes. Then it increased to my whole body by next days. I don't know y it's happened suddenly. I had a kind of fish last night n it's happened next morning maybe it due to having fish some kind of reaction. M facing lots of itching n it's spreading continuously to my hands, legs, back, neck except face till now. I was prescribed by my local doctor Atarax  25mg,  Deflazacort tablets (DEFZA 6), Labate GM, and also a injection (don't know contains of injection) but nothing working out n it's increasing. Please help me immediately. Thank you
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White patches

Dear sir/mam I asked a question on white patches appeared on my sister face in june 16. I ll post recent pic of patches and also post medicines used by her. Sir and mams pls advice us and guide us what to do for 100%cure of these patches. After june there is no new patches reported. Is grafting is applicabe at this stage? Medicine used by her patchex tab Reeso cap Ceoliv-ls tab placetrex inj Deflazacort 6 mg Elocon oint donor cap
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Kidney Stone 5.7 mm, ureter junction

Hello Doctors 5.7mm kidney stone illegally & forcefully staying at the right vesicoureteric junction with mild  HYDROURETERONEPHROSIS  . I took Deflazacort 30mg+ Tamsulosin 0.4 for 10 days along with Citro Soda & Ston 1B6. But it didn't seem to help, I still feel a bit protruding pain on the right side particularly after drinking water. Please advise, how long can I wait before resorting to ESWL, & what medicines to continue till then for smooth passage & 0% damage to kidney due to hydronephrosis. Thanks
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Disc bulge at L4-L5 and L3L4

What does it mean disc bulge at L4-L5 and and L3-L4? Does medication alone clears the root cause? I have been suffering it for 2 months. There is some temporary pain relief with deflazacort , no pain killers or injections had given me the instant relief even now too. When I sit on crossed legs still for 5 mins, along the thigh till foot I am getting pains. I had got internal swelling near the thigh around pelvic section, whatever medications I had used, it was still there and Making me to sleep or sit uncomfortable too while doing work. What is the solution for it?
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