Recently Answered Questions on DICLOFENAC


Sir regarding root canal and medicine

Sir yesterday i went to an dentist for an appointment of doing a root canal they done my rct and exray they given me an oppintment of tomorrow they told me in a 2 to 3 setting my root canal will be gona fine sir they given me some medicine told me to eat for 2 days im telling u the name of all medicine plz chexk and tell me which medicine i can take it 1 moxid lb. This medicine is been used for what when to take it 2 rabclan dsr this medicine is been used for what when to take it 3. Flagyl 400 mg and paracetamol diclofenac potassium 4 ketorol dt sir this medicine is used for paning right sir I have so much confusion in all this medicine it is compulsory to take this medicine for doing a root canal or without taking any this  medicine i can do it root canal or not pls guide me
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Chemicals entered eyes accidentally

Today I had a mild muscle pain in my shoulder. So I decided to sprey volini pain relief sprey in there. Accidentally some of the volini pain relief sprey went inside my eyes. The sprey contains Diclofenac Dimethylamine,Methyl Salicylate menthol and Capsaicin. I washed my eyes with water but I  don't have any eyes drop to apply beacuse it's night now and  no medical stores  is open . I can buy lubricating eye drop olny in the morning. Will the chemical that entered my eyes damage my eyesight? Will anything happen to my eyes?
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Multiple small apthous ulcers

Hello doctor ,since 2 days I'm suffering from severe pain ,even unable to speak ,unable to drink water due ulcer formed on right lateral side of tongue ,then small ulcers are formed on inner side of cheek ,upper nd lower lips nd near angle of mouth ..since 1 day I'm using diclofenac,dento gel ,vitamins tablet along with riboflavin ,I'm  unable to brush my teeth properly, I can feel slight  bad odour from my mouth. Really doctor I'm feeling very tensed. ,whether this is any precancerous lesions ??? Plz help me out ?
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Ankle pain and swelling

I have been having pain inside my left ankle ( the bone which is below ankle bone) since last 3 weeks. Doctor suggested me 1 tablet of diclofenac 50mg and 2 tablets of paracetamol 500 mg which I am having 3 times a day. Tablets give me relief from pain and swelling for 6 hours and then pain and swelling come back again. When I lay down on bed then I get relief and it hurts if I sit or stand. My blood reports are normal. X-Ray is normal.
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Shooting pain in breast after nursing

After nursing my baby (4 months old) i am having this shooting, terrible pain in my right breast over two months. i have been to two doctors who gave me tablets similarly (Taxim - 0, Norfloxacin, Diclofenac). those tablets are helping me to relax from pain, but the pain occurring severely. if i stop the medicine for a day, i have to bare severe pain, i am unable to continue with this pain and taking too much antibiotics are not good as you know. kindly help me to cut the root cause of this problem. mine is 2 nd c-section as this is second baby. i have been taking antibiotics regularly since c-section
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Mod to severe kidney fail

She has hypertension on treatment with Tab olmezest 20 MG in morning and Tab Amlokind 5 mg in the night No DM, has hypothyroidism on eltroxin. Underwent spine surgery 1 year back and takes pain killers for back pain like diclofenac, Paracetamol, Ezact Mr. Her kidney function is impaired as per the reports done last week. Her eGFR = 36 blood urea nitrogen =40.57 creatinine = 1.4 bun/sr creatinine ratio 28.98 Can she continue taking olmezest and amlodipine for her hypertension or does she need to shift to some other anti hypertensive? She has stopped taking pain killers now except for occasional Tramadol tabs. What can be done to improve her kidney functions. Kindly advise.
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Pain and spasm in right hand wrist

I am mother of one year old daughter. I use to give swing to her cradle(Palna) continuously (1hr) for so many days in night. Now, I have pain and spasm in my right hand wrist. I applied Diclofenac gel after hot water pack application. But still no relief. Is there any muscle relaxnt which I can take as I am breastfeeding my baby. Pain is bearable till now so I have not taken any painkiller, but I am unable to lift any heavy object and my baby. My vitamin D level is also low 4.27 ng/ml and B12 is 372 pg/ml.
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Low blood pressure

Good evening doctor, I have high fever for 2 days and I take pcm+diclofenac sodium tablet. Fever comes down but today I measured my blood pressure when I lying on bed. It also lies between 100/58. 105/62. 104/64. Not goes above 110 /70. Is low blood pressure after fever is normal or medicine reaction. Because I have always normal BP 115/74. But today it is very low first time 100/57. I am so much worried and my plan is expired. I renew my plan this week. So please suggest me what I do??? Please help???
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My Fasting Blood glucose level is 108

I am taking Etilaam pro 20 and Nexito 10 since 20days And Now I have tooth problem then I visited Dentist gave me Fetmoxy 625 which is Amoxicillin and potassium Convulate Acid, Metronidazole 400 and Trypsin+ Bromelain+ Rutoside+Diclofenac combination for pain killer For 6 days and I m taking it since 4 days. Now i thought to check my blood glucose level so I check it on my Dr.Trust Glucometer Machine Which gave me reading of 114 first time then 2nd time it give 108. Am I diabetic, please guide me sir I m very anxious about this. 🙏🙏🙏
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Non effective meds

For the severe toothache due to infection in cavity but no swelling, dentist prescribed amoxclav 625 twice a day, alongside ketorol dt for pain but the effect just going off in 2 hours, another was on suggested ultracet, but it completely failed to work . I had to contact general physician to explore my options, i was prescribed diclofenac which so far seem to work. Can any dentist please explain me, if these usual pain medicines are not working for my pain, what will i do after rct treatment?? Because considering the failed situation of painkillers in my case, i am like afraid of going forward with rct now
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