Recently Answered Questions on Cephalexin


Chronic reoccurent bacterial vaginosis

Suffering from Bv from last 18months...taken all possible antibiotis(nitrofuranation,  amikacin, metrogyl, ciprofloxacin,  Cephalexin, Levofloxacin) , antifungals( fluconazole 150, itraconazole) vaginal gels( tioconazole) and suppositories(clindamycin phosphate  metronidazole & clotrimazole) also taking Prebiotics and probiotics...still itching inside lebia minora is present...sometime small rashes comes and go away... But itching is persistent... Sometime greyish white or sometime pale greenish or sometime creamy white discharge come... But all days discharge is coming...itching Nd pain not going... ...plz help me... Very depressed...
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Stool problem

Sir my grandmother is suffering like chronic dysentry from almost 20years,and she used to take Norflox Tz regularly..But the doctor found resistance in culture test. From 2 months she is suffering from Urine Burning(jalan) and also piles problem. But Now she has cured from piles but urine problem is little bit..I am attacing the prescription also. He main problem is Dysentry from 20yrs.So now what medicine she should take? Report-Culture and sensitivity-*Organism Located-E.COLI,*High sensitive-Ciprofloxacin,Ofloxacin.*Moderate Sensitivity-Ceftazidime,Ceftriaxone,Levofloxacin,Gatifloxacin,Gentamycin.*Resistant-Cephalexin,Cefpodoxime,Amoxyclav,Nalidaxic acid,Cefoxitin,Cefuroxime,Norfloxacin.
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Fever, bright red blood spots dysentery

I'm 26 year old and I'm facing stomach issues from 3 days. I go to toilet for 3 to 4 times a day. 1st day, I got loose motion like a water with some dysentery and strong smell otherwise my motions are very loose (not like water but loose) because of this problem. I has fever also in the 1st day. yesterday morning, I felt a little bit lower stomach pain and when I go to toilet, I found loose stool mixed with dysentery and some fresh red blood dots (not mixed), are not easily visible. this happened only one time. No stomach pain now, Only burps was so much yesterday which is not today I think. I'm in prescription of Cephalexin 500 and Metronidazole 400 from yesterday by our home doctor.
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Baby having loose stools

Dear madam Baby  boy age 6 months started weight 8kg since a week he was having cough nad chest congestion.. we went hospital and proscribed antiboitic syrup cephalexin.. and we have stip this also becoz since 4 days he was passing loose stools per day around 6 times Even we not giving any antiboitic also he was passing loose stool pls tell reasons we don't understood. Any scanning required for abdomen to findout pls tell if yes am fearing .. And my parents saying if he getting tooths than also loose motions will come saying in 6 months tooths will come or not this also pls clarify . Thanks
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Baby having cough later motions started

Dear sir Baby age 6 months started he was having cough later went went hospital and using below syrups .after using this syrups watery yellow motions started little quantity only frequently in a day 6 motions 2. We are confoused and today he was crying lot from.midnight 2am to 6am continue not lessioning anything .pls advice reason 3. Mostly mother milk only we giving.. can I have to stop mother milk or not pls tell with reasons tips .any 4.   When he was feeding milk same time he passing stool also Ambroxyl mucolite drop Cephalexin oral drop
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Bleeding between periods

I m suffering from vaginal infection from one year... Also taking treatment from one year...done cbc, vdrl, urine culture... E coli found in urine culture... Taken nitrofuranation, Cephalexin, Levofloxacin, amikacin injections, fluconazole 150 doses, but no improvement...sometime pale yellowish and sometime white discharge come with itching in vagina. After tht my gynae gave me vaginal suppositories - (clindamycin phosphate clotrimazole and metronidazole), and tab candiforce, one time use of ticonazole vaginal gel..after tht metrogyl and doxycycline tab If feels like better from previous itching and discharge. But my periods started on 12th may evening and stops on 17th may...NOW ON 24TH MAY DISCHARGE OF BROWN COLOR COMES AND TODAY i.e. On 25th may bleeding occurs... I m tensed... Plz tell me what is the reason...low back pain with left leg pain also there... Plz help me... Wht happend to me... I m stressed...
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Chronic vaginal infection

Suffering from vaginal infection from last one year VDRL was non reactive... Urine culture positive that is E-coli. Yellowish discharge sometime thick and sometime water like itchy discharge or creamy white also come... Now pain inside vagina... In left side and vaginal opening too... Ultrasound was norml...took every tablet tht show senstivity for e coli in report... Amikacin intravenous, nitrofuranation, saltum, Cephalexin, Levofloxacin, metronidazole etc... And antifungal tab also... Fluconazole... But infection is not improving...itching and Very much pain inside left side of vagina..and i m sexually active only previous to infection... From the day m suffering from it i abstain contact.. . Please tell me... Which more tests should be done... Is this curable or not... My weight is loosing... Nd constant pain and itching is vry uncomfortable... Please help me..
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Reoccurring Vaginal e coli infection

I am unmarried but sexually active from 3 years. From last one year i m suffering from vaginal infection. Watery discharge and sometime yellowish discharge and when discharge comes itching occur.... Discharge is like mucous nd yellowish.... Done blood tests and VDRL.. That was non reactive...  done urine culture 2 times... It was positive... E coli organism is detected. Had taken many probiotics and antibiotics... Manurol... Oxyfloxacin... Levofloxacin... Amoxicillin... Cephalexin... Azithromycin...amakicin... Many more... Also taken fluconazole,  itraconazole... All drugs r resistant now... I m very tensed about this infection... How to cure this... No medicine is showing this curable or not? How to overcome this itching, discharge and discomfort... Plz help... Thik ho bhi jayega infection? From may2017 i m taking medicines but infection is still present.
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High fever since 5-6 days (103.3F)

High fever since 5-6 days (constant 103.3F). No malaria/dengue. Mild kidney filtration reduced(67ml/min/1.73m2).Hematocrit 38.9%. Fever reduced after taking Dolo 650 mg. No cough/ cold or any other symptom. Having  weakness. No chills. Just high fever and extreme weakness due to it. Could not eat much. Taking ORS liquid. Earlier doctor put me on cephalexin 200mg tabs twice a day for 5 days and dolo 650 mg tab thrice daily for 3 days -  I got no relief - fever constant at 103.3F. After giving Rus tox 30(homoeopathy) and aconite in between since yesterday - fever came down to 101.4-102.6F. Swelling in left eye was there since past 6 days - which became less when treated with alum (phitkari). WHAT MEDICINED should I take to get complete cure and I regain my strength? What diet should I take and what fruits to eat? What is the diagnosis due to which I am not well? What has happened? I have not been in touch with any corona virus person, nor did I go out of my house since past 3 months.
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