Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft



Could someone tell me more about the lepthothrix organism and what I can do to get rid of it? Apparently, lepthothrix organism cells are seen in my pap smear, last time i was sexually active was 2 months back, it was protected before that i had unprotected sex multiple times and my symptoms are greyish-white, think but watery discharge with a chemicalized odour and itchiness, pain before and after urination and this infection has been around for 7 months, 4 sets of medications and it hasn't been erradicated (fas 3 kit & clingen forte (thrice), cansoft, nuforce CD 3, flagyl 400 & lacto bacilli for 14 days)  Please tell me more about this organism and what i should do to remove it.
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Side effects after medication

I had a profuse bleaching vaginal discharge that would go from milky white to yellowish green with a chemicalized odour. It would be watery and then be sticky. The last time had unprotected sex was around 3 months back after that i had protected sex about a month ago and haven't been sexually active ever since. I went to the gynac and she prescribed cansoft cl suppository and triben antifungal cream. It's been a day since i used the suppository and cream and i had excessive slightly transparent vaginal discharge, is that supposed to happen?
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Fungal infection

Dear Doctor, I had visited a gynaecologist 2 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with fungal infection in and around my vagina, slight redness and swelling in inner labia and periniem. I was prescribed FAS-3 kit for one day, Cansoft CL vaginal suppositories for 3 consecutive days, V wash and Candid-B ointment for a week. I was doing well for sometime but I have started to have burning and itching once again along with some discharge. I also have discomfort while wearing panties or tight clothes like jeans and there is pain and swelling on the sides of the clitoris. Should I continue the medication and how? Please help.
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STI or Urine Infection?

2 months ago I had unprotected sex with my partner after some days I felt inflammation on urinating and urge to pee frequently.. I'm unfamiliar of that problem and didn't consult any doctor regarding this.. But after 1 month on Sept, I realized it was severe.. The symptoms are inflammation n urge to pee then I consult the doctor they said it is STI.. And as per the prescription Cansoft Cl Suppository, Urikind, and Cital sugar-free Liquid been taken for 3 days, 3days 2times, 5days 2times respectively.. Before few days ago, I had sex with my partner with protection but on the 3rd day for few second its unprotected and then protected, little inflammation on urinating after sex and urge to pee in 2 hrs but couldn't control that even.. But not like as before.. It can be bear.. Is that a sign of STI again or because of rough sex?
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Vaginal yeast infection

Dear doctor, I had been diagnosed with vaginal yeast infection & vaginitis 3 months ago and was given the following prescription : FAS 3-kit for one day, Cansoft-cl for 3 consecutive nights & VWash which I still use. After 2 weeks, I felt better but the problem still persisted and I took another dose of FAS 3-kit and also visited my gynaecologist a month after the first appointment. She told me to consume a lot of fluids and maintain good hygiene. However, I feel the infection reccurs after I have my periods. Can I take another dose of flucanazole? What should I do for getting rid of this problem completely? Please help.
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Lepthothrix organism

Last time i was sexually active was in September and it was protected, last time i had unprotected sex it was in July and I've had this infection since May. My periods are regular too. I was first told the infection that i have is a mixed infection because my symptoms were excessive vaginal discharge that one secreted became a string like nature, milky white in colour, chemicalised odour, burning sensation before and after peeing and random spotting occurred once or twice. I was on 3 treatments fas kit 3 (twice) and clingen forte (once) and cansoft and triben cream (once), i took tests and pap smear said i have lepthothrix and vaginal swab said i had nothing, i was on treatment for 14 days on nuforce CD 3, lacto bacilli and flagyl 400, i was on 8-9 Medications a day including my gastric tablets, it's been a week since i got done with my medications and my symptoms have not changed at all, infact it's more this time. Why has my infection not been cured after my medication course?
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Mixed infection/sticky vaginal discharge

I've been having this problem for almost 5 months now. It just progressively got worse every month. The symptoms were almost common the last 4 months (white, milky excessive discharge which was watery but also string like in nature, chemicalized smell, itchiness and pain after urination), last time i was sexually active was a month ago (19th September) where i had protected sex, before that i wasn't sexually active for 2 months. To conclude i had a lot of unprotected sex during April-June with only one person. I went to the gynac like twice 2 & she had asked me to take fas 3 kit+clingen forte tablet for mixed infection but it only increased my symptoms to sticky string like vaginal discharge which is yellow-green in colour with a chemicalized smell and pain at the upper left of my vulva whenever i sit for long. The recent gynac visit had told me that i should use cansoft cl suppository and triben cream and consume bandy tablets for deworming. What infection is it? Will it get better?
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Vaginal itching and burning

I have been suffering from vaginal itching, burning and very small rashes around vaginal opening for 4 months now. I have been to 2 doctors so far. On November, The first doc gave me Cansoft-Cl vag supp for 3 days. After using that i was better ...then i travelled for a week and again the itching came back ..i told the doctor and she prescribed T fluca 150 on day 1,4,7, Tab allegra 120 once at bedtime for 3 day. Nothing happened using the meds. After a few days it was okay. Again after few days it started itching ...the symptoms was coming and going. In Jan 11th i went for a road trip and there it started again. When i came back i visited another doctor on 26th Jan. She prescribed Florita once daily for a month, Fentigliv vag supp once every week for 6 weeks and Canditral 200 twice for 2 days and Candiderma ointment. I have seen not a single percentage of progress using these meds. I don't know what to do...i am suffering from long. If anyone can help me it would be very helpful.
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Strong like vaginal discharge

I had a mixed infection of excessive vaginal discharge which was whitish gray in colour and only once or twice looked yellowish green and with pain before and after urination and itchiness, i was told it was mixed infection and could've been from sexual activity or hygiene the last time i was sexually active was a month ago and was protected sex. Before that i had unprotected sex with only one person and that's when i started having this infection. I had left it untreated for about 5-6 months. So the last week i went to the gynac and she asked me to use cansoft cl and triben cream, i used that as per the prescription and I've been off those meds for About 3-4 days now but my infection has not gone and my Vaginal discharge is still milky white but it's first watery once discharged and then becomes string like once dry. What is the infection? How can I make it completely go away cause I'm tired of having it. I haven't been sexually active for a month.
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