Recently Answered Questions on Cansoft


Watery discharge after cerclage

I am 14 weeks pregnant and went through cervical cerclage 2 days back due to short cervix of 2.4cm. Since I also had some infection in vagina , my doc suggested to use Cansoft vaginal suppository for 3 days. Last night after inserting this, I observed watery discharge along with some remains of the capsule. In the morning as well felt myself a little wet with some watery discharge. Is this normal after using cansoft or something to be worried abt water leak
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Vaginal irritation with cerclage

Helo doctor, I'm 17 week pregnant, last 2 days vaginal irritation, so my doctor prescribed cansoft CL for 3 days... Once I inserted so much burning sensation... What to do now... It's affect my baby...
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Vaginal problem

I have vaginal infection my gynecologist suggested me to use cansoft-cl yesterday nit I used that tablet and I am suffering from back pain and slightly bleeding can I consider It as periods or it was due to that medicine please suggest
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Pimples in vaginal area

I am having pimples near and in vagina. I have applied betnovate n and clobate gn also and taken antibiotic cansoft and intraconazol capsule 200 mg last week but no improvement. Please help I m deep pain whenever I urinate.
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I had protected sex with my partner on 28th of October. After 3 days it started severe itching inside vaginal hole and surrounding skin. Having foul smell and unusual discharge. I consulted a dr and she gave me clotrimazole metronidazole and propazole.. Infection reduced. But now for the past 3 days it started again and dr without testing gave me "cloben g","fluconazole","cansoft CL" How to insert cansoft cl... What is the method of it
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Virginia infection

I am having a virginal infection I have consulted a doct frm practo but doesn't seem to work . Its been two days I have itching , white curdy discharge, and swelling. Prescription given by doctor here Cansoft cl suppository Surfaz sn cream Fas 3 kit Using cansoft after putting it into virgina , it is coming out in the morning as a white liquid , it shud not be coming out , i have put u deeper again but same result
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Few months ago I had fungal vaginal infection. At that time I had bad odour and color discharges. I was given two doses of FAS 3 kit & cansoft cl for 3 days. Now, I am having only bad odour. Can I use FAS 3 kit of 1 dose and cansoft for 3 days. This is usually after physical contact, me & my partner are not in regular physical contact & do not have multiple partners. Can you please let me know, why I am still having such issues.
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Do vaginal suppositry kill good bacteria

I am advised to take CANSOFT CL vaginal suppository for vulva burning. I want to know if this vaginal suppository kills GOOD Bacteria and fungus also ?? Or it kills only infection causing bacteria / fungus??
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Suffection from Vagainal infection

I had a consultation with a gyne she asked me to use CANSOFT CL VAG SUPPOSITORY tablet But I don't get that in nearby shop instead CANDID CL VAG SUPPOSITORY TABLET is available can I use this
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Watery Discharge

Urgent Help Please I am 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My doctor gave cansoft cl due to vaginal infection. Had in night and now in morning 4am feeling watery discharge. Worried about if it's amniotic fluid
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