Recently Answered Questions on Calcitas


Help in getting balanced diet

I am a female, 29years old, 5'4inch tall with 54kg weight. My body fat % is 27.91. I have a deficiency of Vitamin D, B12, Iron and detected with subclinical hypothyroidism. I am skinny specially my arms are too thin as if whatever I eat doesn't have any impact on my arms especially. I need to increase protein intake in my diet and get rid of these deficiencies because it is causing hair fall and thinning of my hair too.Also, I have low immunity and feel tired these days. I have started including 2-3 eggs on alternate days, a spoon of mixture seeds (pumpkin, flax, sunflower, muskmelon, and berries) daily, a spoon of chyawanprash daily, almonds, walnuts and a glass of green tea at night in my diet along with my normal daily diet. Its been only 3-4 days that I started with these but am feeling very tired and weak. Can anyone please suggest if any of these items is not good for me? PS: I am also taking 2 tablets of Keraglo Eva daily, Calcitas D3 weekly. Thanks!
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