Recently Answered Questions on CUPAL


Question revolving Pap smear and a STI

Hello, my question refers to getting a Pap smear, would a Pap smear tell if you had clamydia ? Or would I of had to ask to wee in a cup to find that out ? Or is urinating in a cup apart of a Pap smear ? Thanks
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Bartholin Cyst

Hello, I used Menstrual Cup for the first time last month for my periods. I also have experienced Bartholin Cyst 2 years back,which I got drained out then. Since then I didn't have any issue. I am a married woman and after using mentural cup I kinda feel the same discomfort I had while I was having bartholin cyst. Can menstrual cup causes Bartholin Cyst. And what should I do to help the cyst heal on its own?? Please suggest.
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Laktrum powder

My baby boy is 4year 7month old.recently pediatrician suggested him laktrum powder(one scoop with warm cup of milk) But today i give him one cup of milk with one scoop laktrum powder and night also i mistakenly gave him one cup of cup milk with one scoop laktrum powder. Plz am so much worried is any thg serious..suggest me immediately
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Related to ivf

After embryo transfer can we drink tea or not. If yes then how many cups we can drink tea a day. Does it effect the implantation.
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About a specific lubricant brand

How is "Gaaia" menstrual cup lubricant? Is it's ingredients are safe to use? After using does it make any type of infections on my private part?
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Burning sensation

Why do I have a burning sensation in the vaginal opening while peeing/ using jets after I insert tampons/menstrual cups?
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General query

Does tea vendor bringing tea in office, in cups can play as rabies carrier or it is safe? Thanks for reply.
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Gynae query

How is a menstrual cup to use during periods? I see a lot of ads on this claiming that it is a safe and more convenient alternative to sanitary pads. Is it true?
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Want to lower my sex desire

Hello Doctor My sex desire always go high. I want to lower it. Can I use spearmint tea daily one cup or licorice tea. Please suggest me the best.
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Side effect of tea

I want to know the side effect of tea I i take one cup daily is it ok for my helth .and when i am follow the gren tea So can i drink tea also
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