Recently Answered Questions on CODYS-T


Troponin T test

Can tropinin T test diagnose future heart attack?how long it will determine future heart pblm .what does ECG and Protonin test normal means
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About copper t

I took copper t 5 days ago when my baby is 6 month... But I didn't take it after my periods.. Because I dont have periods after deliver my baby... Is there any problem...
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Copper t insertion

Can you please advise Best time for Copper t insertion and its side effects as well and only other better option than copper t is available
1799 Views hidden

Planning to use copper T

Please suggest me the best contraceptive because we decided to use copper T. I am not sure about any other contraceptive. Also please let me know is it safe to use Copper T?
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Copper T insertion

I need to get Copper T insertion please advise the process and if it has to be done before or after periods
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Why copper t failure

My wife get pregnant but she have copper t. Now what can we do please tell me I am having a big problem please help me
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About Copper T

Hi, I am using Copper T since 1year. I am fat. I get irregular periods. From 2 months I am getting every 15 days scanty periods. Is it normal? I have PCOD also. Is there anything to worry.
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Regarding copper t

From the time I have copper t inserted my periods have become irregular. Should I get it removed. It's been now nine to ten months but periods irregularities started from the past two months. Please suggest.
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Need to have a copper t

I delivered a baby about 10 months back and now i am planning to have a copper t , but no idea about the side effects of it. my husband fears that it many harm him during the intercourse. Can someone please help me with this so that i can make a decision of going for it or not.
1316 Views hidden

IUCD / Copper T

How safe is copper t? Is copper t and iucd same? What other alternates we have apart from copper t for birth control?
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