Recently Answered Questions on CODYS-T


Copper T or I pill?

After having unprotected sex, what is more better, copper T or i pill, if a couple does not want to conceive for 2-3 years. Learnt I pill has drastic side effects so.
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Zocon t kit

There are three tablet in zocon t kit. Two are blue and one is pink. In which sequence these tablets should be taken in a day. Can i start course after dinner or one need to start from morning itself.
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Low T-Level

Hello iam 18 years old and iam a fitness guy.I have been in the gym above 1 year.I have low testosterone level and my nipples are so puffy due to gynocamastia.How can i boost my T-level?
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Reg.copper t removal

Will it be pain to remove copper t while removing? how long will take to remove it?is there any exact date to follow to remove it or we can remove it on any day of the Month¿
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Reg visibility of copper t thread

Am having copper t for past 1.5yr.. Is the thread visible during normal days or only during periods.
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Vaccine safe for women having copper t

I am worried whether I take vaccine or not. I am using copper T is there any side effects. Please solve my query
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Query on copper t

Hi,I delivered on 20th of April via csec,I only breastfeed my baby ,within 3 monthsthere was spotting,I went to my gynaec he confirmed that this can be periods and on 5 th day I got copper t inserted..for those 5 days bleeding was really less..after 2 days of copper t insertion bleeding has started..and the flow is it normal to bleed like this after copper t insertion...
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Pregnancy with copper t

My wife has copper t but she is again pregnant now doctor remove the copper t after positive test and ask for ultrasound,in ultrasound baby in right place and heart beat is also there with time of 6 week 6 days so pls suggest it pregnancy will be normal or should we abort it as ultrasound doctor says it may harm our baby may done part of his body missing or not develop as my wife pregnant with copper t
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Low t micro adenoma found it

I'm havin really low energy/weight gain,irritability low sex drive etc they give me an injection of T with out results with the exception of the first days and my T levels now are back to 200ng.They found a micro adenoma in the pituitary around 5mm but they don't think that it's causing my low T levels, and the Doctor run out of treatment ideas
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Copper T while breast feeding

Hi Doctor, I delivered via C section 4 months back.Want to insert Copper T. Will my periods start for this month if I insert it now..? I'm going to my in-laws home in train after copper T insertion.Fear about getting period immediately.please clarify.
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