Recently Answered Questions on Baclofen


Pain in left Rib

I have been having random pains in my left rib area, sometimes feeling of being squeezed tightly, feels like it's swollen. My Ortho said part of ribs was taken when they did surgery due to Potts disease. Could this just be referred pain? I'lm taking baclofen 10mg 1x , pregabalin3x , Att Fixcom 3 daily. Thanks!
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Memory loss, difficult to learn somethin

I am an alcohol addiction since 5 years, on jan I went to psychiatry and prescribed me baclofen 10 mg daily two tabs at night before food , also optineuron for 7 days, even now also m taking alcohol but not regularly because I m an alcohol dependency and I cannot leave suddenly so even with baclofen m taking alcohol but not regularly, so thz days whenever I study after sometimes I forgot, my memory power become very very weak, not able to keep in mind,so how to recover my memory power, I m so much of worried because I feel difficult to remember and to study, plz suggest me what treatment will b better for memory loss and also my sex desire became very less compared to before
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Taking time to start urination

Sir, it always takes time like 10sec, 15sec, 30second to start urination. Dr. asked for KUB test, urine test, retrograde urethrogram test, uroflowmetry + PVR test. All test were normal while uroflowmetry test is worse. I have been taking alfuzosin tab for last 6 months and baclofen for 4 months. There is no reduction in lagging time of urination, also no improvement in uroflowmetry graph. What is the problem and treatment? Is urodynamics test required for the treatment now?
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Joint & muscular pain

Hi, I had Covid positive one month back, on investigation was done on 7th day my CRP 15.90 And Di Dimer-317 , But still having pain in joints & muscle stiffness resulting pain. Wanted to know is due to my existing problem of Cerebral Palsy, Spasticity or because of elevated CRP level? Presently taking Multi Vitamins, Etoshine mr / baclofen 10 & febucip 40 when required Pls advice now I need to take any medicine for crp or start Ecosprin etc ?
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Anxiety and depression as well ED/PE

I am suffering from severe anxiety disorder and depression from last 4 years. I am addicted to alcohol and tobacco from past 7 years. As a result of that I have erectile dysfunction and PE.I am unmarried and going to marry soon.My age is 36 yrs. Currently I am on mirtazapine 15 mg, Baclofen 40 mg , escitolopram 40 mg, ativan 2 mg twice. I want to get diagnosed by you.I have essential tremor as well.
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Side Effects

Currently on medicines such as etoricoxib+paracetamol, baclofen, methylcobalamin+folic acid, deflazacort & gaba Nt since 10 days as suggested by my orthopedist for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since past 2 days chill sweat in legs, hand and back has been observed sometimes and also i feel cold then,also feeling lightheaded for that particular time. What could be the reason? Is it side effect of any medicine?
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How long alcohal withdrawl tremors lasts

Hi Doctor I am on librium , baclofen and zolfresh 10mg medication from 1 week. I feel tremors when I stop these . Last drink I took 2 weeks back (15 days ). How long will it take to get complete sober and out of tremors and alcohal withdrawl symptoms. Even if I do heavy exercise or play long time badminton I start shivering and get tremors Should I continue doing gym or play badminton ? Any further advise will be high appreciated.
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Hepatomegaly with grade 1 fatty change

I got checked for UTI and in my scanning report it was diagnosed as hepatomegaly with grade 1 fatty change. Doc prescribed Mira L 50mg  0-0-1 Baclofen 10mg 0-0-1 It's been 4 days I am on these medications but I still have burning sensation while and after passing urine. Kindly suggest.
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Change in penis shape

From past few days I am observing that my penis Bends towards left both in flaccid and erect status. I had taken Alfoo For 9 months and baclofen for one month. Now i stopped it, I used to masterbate 5-6days every week now i masterbate 1-2 times a week and when i see my penis getting erect on left side i get afraid or tensed  and i am not understanding what to do, whats the reason is it due to stopping of medicine, psychological, or ed related issue and can it get straight back or not.
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Regarding slow urination

Hi, I was diagnosed with bladder sphincter spasm last year after having all the tests like cystoscopy, uroflowmetry. I was advice Alfoo for 7 months. Now, after 7 days of stopping Alfoo again i had slow urination and severe pain in pelvic lower Abdomen, back and glutes after urination. So, now consulting again with Dr. Again he told me to take Alfoo and baclofen for 6 months. So, my question is can this problem be solved again after 6 months or whenever i will stop medicine again the same problem will arise???
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