Recently Answered Questions on BE-RELAX


Bloating and pain

I feel bloated after i eat my dinner . I feel pain in my chest and throat . When i empty my bowels i feel relax. What can be the cause .
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Pain of corona after sex

Thanks. But peni head corona is paining more after sex and what is the solution for not getting pain and smooth and relax sex
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I am getting lot of headace regularly

When i suffer with headace i feel like hangout my neck becoz whn i hang my neck with towel i feel relaxed
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I would like to relax mind and body so while having a. Conversations with my friend got to know about Panchakarma so please do suggest some good treatment places with cost
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Mild back pain

I have back pain but slight from right side that is lasting from about two months . i feel relax when i put a cushion under my back
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Brfore ihad Back pain now

Before ivhad Back pain now past two three days i have neck pain what shall do with when apply balm getting relaxed
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Cough Cold and Fever

My baby is 10 days old. She is having cough cold and fever. She is not able to breath from nose. What should i do to make her relax. She is not able to sleep
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PAin in lower spine, with urge to urine.

I have pain in lumbar spine, and have contant urge to urine while siitting and standing. Relaxed while lying down.
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I have breast pain sometime

Sometime I get pain in breast if I touch or sometime in sleep while I turn on my chest I feel pain I do massage n feel relax Kindly give me suggestions what to do
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Took medication

I took muscle relaxers and want to make sure I didn't take too many. 1 500mg Methocarbamol 510mg Flexeril
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