Recently Answered Questions on B-Cin


Question on Plan B

I took a plan B pack that was VERY expired. Re-thinking I figured I should get a new one from the pharmacy. Can it be problematic to take two plan Bs back to back?
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Hepititus b

My mom suffering from hepitites b from last 1 year, mom takes phyllanthus niruri for control dis thing. Plz advise some more prescription. To kill dis thing completely
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Hepatitis B

One of my familiar(63 years) has affected by Hepatitis B recently. Should I go for treatments? Please inform as soon as you can. Doctors of medical college, Kolkata has given their answers.
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Hepatitis b

I took a test wayback 2008 nd i am positive in hepa B. but ddnt take any medication and on 2011 i am still positive.what test should i get
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Hepatitise B

Hi doc I have being diagnose with Hepatitise B i want to take legalon is legalon ok for me or any medicine can help me how long should i take legalon can legalon help me to be negetive? thanks doc.
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Hepatitis B

What is the best treatment for Hepatitis B ? I have already been treated, but doctor said as the virus is not harming my liver. So it can be cured only if the virus is active. What should I do?
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Hepatitis b

Hey i got the 3 shota of hepatitis b 1 year ago but got tested to see if it worked but it didnt buy body hasnt built immunity what should i di
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Hepatitis b

My Wife Is Hepatitis B Positive...and In The Initial Stage..what Is Recomded She has delivered two child ..and they and me are vaccinated for hepatitis
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Hepatitis B

Can we get hepatitis b from someones infected blood in a juice. Please help me i am scared. I drank juice from a juice stall and later saw his finger was bleeding
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Hepatitis B

On 27th sept my mom blood test report showed hepatitis b core igg antibodies reactive, on 9th oct it showed negative is it possible.
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