Recently Answered Questions on Atorvastatin


Legs swelling my age (55y)

Hi my name ram i am using telma h ,ecospirn 75, atorvastatin 40mg daily for past 3years. bcoz 3years back in my head some blood clot. but now i face problem in my legs they are swelling ,but i walk daily and i dont smoke or drink. i had problem past 7years back i am parlized my left leg but now ok. So plz can u tell me why it happaning.
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Heaviness while walking

My uncle get chest heaviness and lightheadache while walking fast.his BP is 130/75(no medication he is using for bp till now) he has done ECG and after that ECHO.. I have attached the report... Now my question is dr. Given medicines before echo and ecg . so can you tell me does this medicines he have to take or not. The medicines are- Telmisartan 40mg Ecosprin 75 Atorvastatin 20mg Clopidogrel Metropolol succinate 50 Please help me out
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I am a cardiac and diabetic patient, undergone PTCA in 2013 and 2019.In 2021 CAG done revealed patent stents and no blockage. Cardiologist has prescribed me rosuvad 10 2019. Since then I am losing weight, I am not obese, my weight was 64 kg,height 5'5" which has reduced to 62 kg. Can I dispense with rosu. and take some other statin e.g. atorvastatin 10 which well suits to me. Thanks.
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Need suggestions on Vaccination (Covid)

Need suggestions on covid Vaccination since my father is currently under certain medications. He is diagnosed for hypertension and currently taking below medicines on daily basis. Deplatt -CV (Clopidogrel, Atorvastatin and Aspirin) Amlodipine 5 Is it safe for him to get vaccinated and does it require him to stop the medicine he is currently taking in daily basis. Is it recommend to get rapid antigen test done before getting vaccinated. Thanks in advance.
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Is dizzyness a serious symptom?

I had covid like symptoms due to which i had to take a lot of medicines. Those like ivermectin, Doxycycline, azythromycin etc. However, i also took rivaroxaben 20mg for blood clots and daily atorvastatin 20mg and fenofibrate 300mg flr my hogh lipid profile. One symptom that i have been usually facing especially after taking rivaroxaben is dizzyness. Should i be worried about it? I had to take it since I am allergic to aspirin. It stays for around an hour or 90 minutes and then go away. What should i do. Please advise.
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Pulse rate 44-47

Hi, i need the solution to treat low heat rate of my father. He has borderline thyroid, diabetes and a high cholesterol issue. (Last tested in December,2020) Since a week he has stopped having Atorvastatin tablet because of loose motion and heading bananas, Electral everyday. His oxygen is 97 but pulse is low. All the heart tests were fine, just needed to follow a diet and have this tablet. So i want to know, is it because of stopped having medicine and diet? Or what?
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High blood pressure

Hello.. doctor, I have problem of high blood pressure..1 month ago my bp is 160/100 and Cholestrol 212 so doctor start Ramipril 2.5mg half tab.and atorvastatin Daily. After some day i check my bp it is 130/85 but today i check it shows 180/90. And cholestrol is doc. Gave me Amlodipine besylate 5mg and my ECG report also normal and i also reduce my salt intake..but still it is too high.. Can you please tell reason.. or cure please..
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Medicine information

I am taking aspirin 75 mg, 10 mg atorvastatin and 2.5 mg Nebivelol Hydrochloride since 2009 after an angioplasty (1 stent placed). It's been 14 years. My vitals and condition is absolutely normal and my recent TMT ECO are also normal. My question can I take these medicines for lifelong? e.g if I were to live 80 years, these medicines for those many decades will do any harm? Thanks
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I have recently done my SGPT test for work visa in UAE, according the medical center my SGPT is 91 and have given me 7days to make it normal which is 40-45. Can anyone guide me for the same. Eventually I have consulted a doctor and have been given Vitamin E (400) and Atorvastatin (10). Also he has asked for regular exercise like skipping, running and swimming. Is there anything else I can do to make it more effective or the given medicine and treatment is enough for the SGPG to become normal.
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High cholesterol after covid

Hi doctor, Below are the my lipid profile results Weight: 99 Total cholesterol ----- 178 mg/dl Serum triglycerides ---- 140 mg.dl HDL cholesterol. ---- 29.5 LDL cholesterol ---- 120.50 VLDL Cholesterol --- 28.00 Total/HDL Cholesterol Ratio --- 6.03 LDL/HDL Cholesterol Ratio --- 4.08 Doctor suggested atorvastatin 10 mg? Does it safe to use?
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